Morphological characters, distribution, monitoring and control of Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formiddae)
中文关键词:  生物入侵  外来蚂蚁  形态鉴定  监测调查  控制技术
英文关键词:Biological invasion  exotic ants  morphological identification  monitoring  control technologies
赵翊,冉浩,陆永跃,许益镌 华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 350
全文下载次数: 344
      小火蚁Wasmannia auropunctata Roger被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为最具危害性的100种入侵物种之一,已从其原产地南美洲扩散到除南极洲以外的每个大陆,近期被报道成功入侵中国。本文对小火蚁的分类学与形态特征进行了描述;简要探讨了小火蚁的原产地范围和在全球的扩散历史,进一步阐述其对农业生产、人类健康、生态系统等方面的影响;同时,介绍了小火蚁的监测与调查方法;最后就小火蚁的检疫、化学防治与生物防治等防控技术进行了归纳,以期提升大众对小火蚁的认识并为积极应对小火蚁的入侵提供参考。
      The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, which is listed as one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has spread from its native range in South America to every continent except Antarctica. Recent research has shown the first formal record of the invasion of W. auropunctata outdoor in Chinese mainland. This paper reviewed related information on the taxonomic and morphological of W. auropunctata. Secondly, briefly discussing the origin and the history of the global dispersion of the little fire ant, and amplifing on its impact on agricultural production, human health and ecosystem. Additionally, the means and method of the monitoring and investigation of W. auropunctata was introduced. Finally, summarizing the control strategies such as quarantine measures, chemical control and biocontrol of little fire ant, in order to raise the cognition of W. auropunctata and provide an important reference for active response to the threat posed by this highly invasive ant.
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