Effectiveness of oxypropionic acid as a lure for trapping Aedes albopictus
中文关键词:  氧代丙酸  陷阱诱捕法  白纹伊蚊  增效  相似相溶
英文关键词:Oxypropionic acid  trap trapping  Aedes albopictus  synergism  similarity and intermiscibility
吴华,戴建青,陈大嵩,黄鸿,郑基焕 广东省科学院动物研究所广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广东省矿物油农药工程技术研究中心广州 510260 
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      为了从氧代丙酸化合物中筛选出对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus具有良好引诱效果的化合物,采用陷阱诱捕法分别测定了丙酮酸(α-氧代丙酸)、3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸、3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸和3-氨基-3-氧代丙酸4种氧代丙酸化合物及丙酸对白纹伊蚊成虫的诱捕效果。结果表明,在供试的5种化合物中,α-氧代丙酸、3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸和3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸3种氧代丙酸化合物及丙酸的诱捕效果显著,同剂量的各化合物对白纹伊蚊的诱蚊效果依次是3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸>3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸>α-氧代丙酸=丙酸。相同质量α-氧代丙酸∶3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸=1∶1至1∶2的配方比,具有协同增效作用,平均累计诱捕量均显著优于单组分α-氧代丙酸、3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸和对照纯水(P<0.05)。其中最优配方比是α-氧代丙酸∶3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸=1∶2,平均累计诱捕量比单组分α-氧代丙酸增加45.45%,比单组分3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸增加32.33%和比对照纯水增加73.11%(P<0.05)。现场诱蚊试验结果表明,根据相似相溶原理将液体的氧代丙酸(α-氧代丙酸、3-甲氧基-2-甲基-3-氧代丙酸)分别与固体的氧代丙酸(3-(苄氧基)-3-氧代丙酸)混配并结合陷阱诱捕器,能够显著提高对白纹伊蚊的持效性及诱捕数量(混合物60 d的累计诱蚊总数量是单组分的1.28~2.15倍)。研究结果为进一步开发适用于家居办公环境中使用的诱蚊剂提供了研究基础。
      To evaluate the effectiveness of 5 compounds, and combinations of these, as lures for trapping female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in the field,the attractiveness of 4 oxypropionic acids(pyruvic acid, 3-methoxy-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoic acid, 3-amino-3-oxopropanoic acid and 3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acid) and propionic acid were assessed based on the number of female mosquitoes captured in traps. Pyruvic acid, 3-Methoxy-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoic acid, 3-(Benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acid, and Propionic acid, were all significantly more attractive to female mosquitoes than the distilled water control. Equivalent dosages of these compounds ranked in attractiveness as follows: 3-methoxy-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoic acid>3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acid>pyruvic acid = propionic acid. The mean accumulated number of females trapped by 1∶1 to 1∶2 ratios of pyruvic acids and 3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acids were significantly greater than the number captured using either oxypropionic acids in isolation or the distilled water control(P<0.05). This demonstrated a synergistic effect between the pyruvic acids and 3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acids. The most optimum ratio was a 1∶2 combination of pyruvic acid and 3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic acid. The mean accumulated number of mosquitoes captured using this formulation was 45.45% higher, than either pyruvic acid alone, 32.33% higher than with 3-(benzyloxy)-3-oxopropanoic, and 73.11% higher than the distilled water control(P < 0.05). A 1∶2 combination of a oxypropionic acid(liquid) and oxypropionic acid(solid) could significantly increase and prolong the effectiveness of mosquito trapping compared to using just the oxypropionic acid alone. Oxypropionic acids were also have the advantage of being odorless to humans and therefore more suitable for use in the home or office environment.The results laid the foundation for the further development of mosquito lures suitable for use in home and office environments.
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