邓 洁,王 帅,陈功文,胡福良,郑火青,2021,狄斯瓦螨和蜜蜂病毒对意大利蜜蜂蜂群越冬的影响[J].环境昆虫学报,(4):1003-1009
Impacts of Varroa destructor and honeybee viruses on the overwintering of Apis mellifera ligustica colonies
中文关键词:  意大利蜜蜂  狄斯瓦螨  蜜蜂病毒  越冬期蜂群损失
英文关键词:Apis mellifera ligustica  Varroa destructor  honeybee viruses  winter losses
基金项目:国家蜂产业技术体系专项 (CARS-44)
邓 洁,王 帅,陈功文,胡福良,郑火青 浙江大学动物科学学院杭州 310058 
摘要点击次数: 1631
全文下载次数: 623
      越冬期是蜂群损失最主要的阶段。通过比较分析 45 个意大利蜜蜂 Apis mellifera ligustica 蜂群在繁殖越冬蜂前的狄斯瓦螨 Varroa destructor 寄生率和病毒感染情况、越冬表现及越冬期存活蜂群的病毒感染情况等,探究与越 冬期蜜蜂健康紧密相关的影响因素。结果表明,繁殖越冬蜂前蜂群的狄斯瓦螨寄生率与蜜蜂残翅病毒( DWV) 和 以色列急性麻痹病毒( IAPV) 基因组拷贝数呈中等线性相关关系 ( pDWV = 0.003,pIAPV = 0.001),且狄斯瓦螨寄生率低于 9% 的蜂群与 DWV 感染程度相关性更高,而寄生率高于 9% 的蜂群与 IAPV 的相关性更高。越冬期死亡蜂群在繁殖越冬蜂前的狄斯瓦螨寄生率和 IAPV 病毒基因组拷贝数均显著高于存活蜂群。狄斯瓦螨和 IAPV 是本次实验中意蜂蜂群越冬期健康的首要影响因素。结合狄斯瓦螨寄生率和 IAPV 基因组拷贝数的正相关性,本研究认为在繁殖越冬蜂前将蜂螨寄生率控制在较低水平( 9% 以下) 能有效减少越冬期意蜂蜂群损失。
      The overwintering period is the most important stage of colony loss. To explore the factors associated with the health of honey bee colonies during overwintering,we investigated the viral infections and Varroa destructor infestations before breeding overwintering bees,overwintering performance and viral infections when overwintering of 45 Apis mellifera ligustica colonies in an apiary. The results showed that the infestation rate of V. destructor was moderately linearly correlated with genome copy number of Deformed wing virus ( DWV) and Israeli acute paralysis virus ( IAPV) before breeding overwintering bees ( pDWV = 0.003,pIAPV = 0.001). When below 9% ,the infestation rate of V. destructor correlated with the infection level of DWV with a higher correlation coefficient; when above 9% ,the correlation coefficient of the infestation rate of V. destructor and the infection level of IAPV was higher. The infestation rate of V. destructor and the genome copy number of IAPV in the colonies died during overwintering period were significantly higher than that in surviving colonies before breeding overwintering bees. These results suggested V. destructor and IAPV were the primary factors that affected the winter losses of A. m. ligustica colonies. Considering the positive correlation between the infestation rate of V. destructor and the infection level of IAPV,it was suggested that controlling the infestation rate of V. destructor at a low level ( below 9% ) before breeding overwintering bees was critical to reduce the loss of bee colonies during overwintering.
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