俞玲园,季政权,胡耀文,徐风娇,王琪玮, 魏 莹,唐 斌,王世贵,2021,红蜻稚虫对浙江省不同类型水体污染的抗逆性适应表现[J].环境昆虫学报,(4):922-933
Resistance and adaptation of Crocothemis servilia larvae to different types of water pollution in Zhejiang Province
中文关键词:  红蜻稚虫  水体污染  重金属  SOD  CAT  HSP  CYP303a1  抗逆性表现
英文关键词:Crocothemis servilia larvae  water pollution  heavy metals  SOD  CAT  HSP  CYP303a1  stress resistance
基金项目:杭州市科技重大专项计划 (20190101A01) ; 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目 (201910346059) ; 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划 (2018R413079)
俞玲园,季政权,胡耀文,徐风娇,王琪玮, 魏 莹,唐 斌,王世贵 杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院杭州市动物适应与进化重点实验室杭州 310036 
摘要点击次数: 589
全文下载次数: 733
      在杭州、温州、宁波、台州和绍兴等地水域 5 个采样点采集到 169 头蜻蜓稚虫,分属于 7 科。对采集地的水质进行理化指标 ( 水温、压强、电导率、氧化还原电位、pH、溶解氧、总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数、叶绿素 a、透明度) 和重金属含量 ( Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+、Pb2+、Cr6+ 和总铁等) 检测,并对采集到的红蜻稚虫 Crocothemis servilia 检测其体内的 SOD 和 CAT 酶活力,以及 HSP70、HSP90 和 CYP303a1 等抗逆性相关基因的表达量。结果表 明: 生活在不同水体中的红蜻稚虫,其体内的 SOD 和 CAT 酶活力主要与 Cr6+ 浓度正相关,可在一定程度上反映 出某一水体的 Cr6+ 污染状况; HSP70 的表达量与水体 TN、TP 和 Pb2+ 浓度间呈正相关,同时 HSP90 的表达与水体 TP 和 CODMn浓度正相关,可反映水体富营养化的主要污染物类型。红蜻稚虫 CYP303a1 的表达水平与水体中 Cr6+ 含量呈负相关,而与 TP 和 Cd2+ 浓度呈正相关。推测在工业废水污染下,红蜻稚虫体内的 SOD、CAT 和 CYP303a1 能帮助红蜻稚虫适应在 Cr6+ 浓度较高的水体中生活,而不同片段长度的热激蛋白 HSP 可能与抵抗不同类型的富营养化污染有关系。实验结果为进一步探究蜻蜓稚虫的抗逆性适应机制提供了基础数据。
      Dragonfly larvae were collected from 5 collection sites such as Hangzhou,Wenzhou,Ningbo,Taizhou and Shaoxing,169 dragonfly larvae were identified belonging to 7 families. Physical and chemical indexes ( water temperature,pressure,conductivity,redox potential,pH,dissolved oxygen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,permanganate index,chlorophyll a,transparency) and heavy metal content ( Cu2+ ,Zn2+ ,Cd2+ ,Pb2+ ,Cr6+ and total iron,etc. ) were tested on the water quality of the collection sites,and the enzyme activity of SOD and CAT and the expressions of HSP70,HSP90 and CYP303a1 of the collected Crocothemis servilia were tested. The results showed that the enzyme activity of SOD and CAT in C. servilia larvae living in different water bodies was positively correlated with the concentration of Cr6+,which could reflect the pollution status of Cr6+ in a certain water body to some extent. The expression of HSP70 was positively correlated with the concentration of TN,TP and Pb2+ ,and the expression of HSP90 was positively related to the concentration of TP and CODMn,which can reflect the main pollutants of eutrophication in water body. The expression of CYP303a1 was negatively correlated with Cr6+ ,but positively correlated with concentration of TP and Cd2+. It was speculated that SOD,CAT and CYP303a1 in C. servilia could help them to adapt to live with high Cr6+ concentration under industrial water pollution,and the heat shock proteins of different fragment lengths might be related to resistance to different types of eutrophication pollution. The experimental results may provide basic data for further exploration of the stress resistance and adaptation mechanism of dragonfly larvae.
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