Next generation biological control and its research progress in predatory ladybird beetles
中文关键词:  生物防治  遗传学  基因组学  瓢虫
英文关键词:Biological control  genetics  genomics
李浩森,庞虹 中山大学生命科学学院/生态学院有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室广州 510275 
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      生物防治是一种利用自然天敌控制有害生物的手段。当前生物防治的发展面临着使用成本高和效果不稳定的两大难题。这要求我们更精准地选育和释放天敌。随着测序技术的进步,学界提出了新一代生物防治(Next Generation Biological Control),旨在利用遗传学和基因组学来认识天敌昆虫种下水平的多样性和变异规律,以此优化天敌昆虫的选育和释放效果评估。天敌瓢虫是生物防治的重要成员,但它们使用风险大、商品资源少,而新一代生物防治有望提升它们的使用效果。本文介绍新一代生物防治的提出过程和具体内容,以及近几年来该领域在天敌瓢虫中的研究案例,讨论新一代生物防治在我国国情下的发展方向。
      Biological control is a method of pest control using natural enemies. Currently, biological control uses are facing two major issues, including high cost and unstable effect. Thus, more accurate breeding and release strategies are needed. With the development of sequencing technology, the “Next Generation Biological Control” was put forward, which advocated using genetic and genomic method to understand pattern of intraspecific diversity and variation of biological control agents, for the purpose of optimizing selective breeding and release evaluation in biological control programs. Predatory ladybird beetles are important members of biological control. However, their use will bring high risk to local environment, and their commercial products are rare. Thus, researches on Next Generation Biological Control are expected to improve the use of predatory ladybirds. This review first introduced how Next Generation Biological Control was raised and what it refers to. Then, several research cases of Next Generation Biological Control in predatory ladybird beetles were introduced. Finally, the future direction of Next Generation Biological Control in China was discussed.
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