Feeding, mating and spawning behavior of Massicus raddei adult (Coleoptera∶Cerambycidae)
中文关键词:  栗山天牛  取食  交配  产卵  行为
英文关键词:Massicus raddei Blessig  feeding  mating  spawning  behavior
基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC1200400);林业科技成果国家级推广计划([2015] 42号)
唐艳龙,魏可,王丽娜,张彦龙,杨忠岐,王小艺 1. 遵义师范学院生物与农业科技学院贵州省赤水河流域动物资源保护与应用研究重点实验室贵州遵义 563002
2. 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所/国家林业局森林保护学重点实验室北京 100091 
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      通过室内配对饲养和野外观察,本文研究了栗山天牛成虫的取食、交配和产卵行为。结果表明:栗山天牛成虫吸食从栎树树皮受伤处溢出的汁液补充营养。栗山天牛雄成虫比雌成虫更具攻击性,在取食和交配中的雄成虫易发生争斗,交配中的雄成虫攻击性最强。其攻击方式主要是用上颚咬住对手的触角或者足进行拖拽。70%的栗山天牛雄成虫争斗是为了争夺配偶,其次是为了争夺食物资源。栗山天牛成虫完成一次完整的交配经过4个阶段,即:识别、追逐-攀附、抚慰-插入输精-交尾间歇、配后保护。整个交配过程最长可达2 h。试探性插入、插入输精和输精后保护是整个交配过程的重点,持续时间长短不一。雄成虫输入精子的次数与交配持续的时间成正比。雄成虫每次插入输精持续的时间与次数成反比,每次输精间歇时间与次数成正比。雄成虫输入精子之后会再次插入保护,平均持续约1 min。栗山天牛雌成虫产卵于寄主树皮裂缝中。以上研究为了解栗山天牛成虫的行为及其防治提供参考。
      Massicus raddei Blessig was a new outbreak pest in northeast China. To deepen understanding the biology of this beetle, feeding, mating and spawning behavior of adult was observed in the lab and field. The results showed that M. raddei adults feed with juice from oak bark wound. The males of beetles were more aggressive than females, and feeding or mating males were prone to fight, and mating males were the strongest aggressive. They were mainly attacked the opponents tentacles or feet by their strong maxillary, and 70% of males were battled in order to compete for spouse, and secondly to compete for food resources. A whole mating behavior of adult included four processes mainly which were finding, recognizing and chasing climbing and consoling inserting and insemination inserting intermission and protecting after mating, then leaving. And the longest duration of whole mating was about 2 hours. In the entire process, tentative insertion was a key step of males choosing females, and insemination and protection after inseminated was the focus, but the duration was varied. The insemination frequency of male was proportional to the duration of the entire mating. But insemination duration of male was inversely proportional to the frequency, and the insemination interval time was proportional to the frequency. After inseminated, the males would insert genitals once again to protect there sperms, and the average duration about one minute. The M. raddei female laid eggs in the bark crack. The studies provided a reference for understanding the behavior of adult beetles and its control technology.
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