The importance of landscape managements on development of chemical components of Amomum villosum Lour cultivated in Yunnan Province: A management perspective
中文关键词:  土地类型变化  大蜜蜂  中华蜜蜂  景观变化  乙酸龙脑酯  橡胶
英文关键词:Land use change  Apis dorsata  Apis cerana  landscape change  bornyl acetate  rubber
谢正华,蔡学勇,王有琼,王健敏 1. 中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所昆明6502242. 南华县天子庙坡国有林场南华6752023. 云南省农村科技服务中心昆明 650021 
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      阳春砂仁是我国四大南药之一,也是主要的调味品。阳春砂仁于1960年由广东引入云南西双版纳,现广泛种植于云南省热带区域。阳春砂仁含有以乙酸龙脑酯和樟脑为主的40~50种化学物质,具有提高胃酸分泌、促进胃肠动力、止泻利胆和镇痛抗炎等功效。在云南热带区域,砂仁主要传粉者为大蜜蜂和中华蜜蜂,传粉蜂的传粉行为可提高砂仁的结果和结实。在云南热带区域,大量热带雨林转换成橡胶树和耕地等非自然生境,引起生态系统景观结构变化。大蜜蜂和中华蜜蜂为社会性传粉昆虫,其种群数量易受环境干扰而变化。因此,云南热带砂仁种植区景观变化可能引起砂仁传粉蜂多样性和多度变化,从而影响砂仁药效成份的形成和含量。从理论上来看,目前并不清楚景观动态对砂仁药效的作用; 在生产实践中,砂仁种植者并未考虑景观变化对砂仁药效形成的影响。本文总结已有的研究结论,在理论上提出云南砂仁种植区应综合考虑砂仁种植环境的景观调节因素,以保障昆虫传粉需求,促进砂仁药效成份的形成。
      Amomum villosum Lour, also called Sharen in Chinese, is used as traditional Chinese medicine and as spice in China. The evergreen herb was introduced from Guangzhou Province into Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province in 1960. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in the tropical zone in Yunnan. The fruits of A. villosum contain 40~50 chemical components, including bornyl acetate and camphor, which can enhance gastric secretion,increase the gastrointestinal motility, reduce the diarrhea, exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In Yunnan, Apis dorsata F. and Apis cerana F. are two main pollinators and their visitations to flowers enhance cross pollination, improving fruits in quantity and quality. Current evidences show that social pollinators,like A. dorsata and A. cerana, are negatively impacted by habitat degradation. The conversation of rainforests to rubbers during the last several decades in Yunnan altered the surrounding landscapes, potentially reducing pollinator diversity and abundance. Nevertheless, we do not know the effects of surrounding landscapes on pollinator diversity and abundance of A. villosum in Yunnan. Practically, landscape managements of pollinators and pollination services were not considered in this growing region either. Therefore, based on current knowledge, we suggest that the cultivation of A. villosum in Yunnan. need to consider the surrounding landscapes to ensure that the chemical components of fruits are developed.
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