李晓燕,梁庆环,杨文静,梁勤, 李江红 *,2016,王浆主蛋白MRJP7基因在意大利蜜蜂体内的表达[J].环境昆虫学报,(2):371-377
Expression of the major royal jelly protein 7 gene in honeybee ( Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola)
中文关键词:  蜜蜂  mrjp7  转录表达  荧光定量PCR  功能
英文关键词:Honeybee  mrjp7  transcription  real-time PCR  function
基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS 45 KXJ7); 福建省教育厅科研项目(JA13128)
李晓燕,梁庆环,杨文静,梁勤, 李江红 * (福建农林大学蜂学学院福州 350002) 
摘要点击次数: 991
全文下载次数: 840
      王浆蛋白是蜂王浆生物功能的物质基础,是由王浆蛋白基因家族( mrjps )编码合成的。但部分家族成员如mrjp7在王浆中的含量极少甚至检测不到。基因功能与其在生物体内的时空表达特性相关,为探究 mrjp7 的生物学功能,本研究利用荧光定量PCR技术对 mrjp7 在不同发育时期的工蜂和成年工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王的不同组织部位的表达进行定量检测。结果显示 mrjp7 在成年雄蜂体内的表达水平最低,成年蜂王次之,且在它们的各不同组织部位之间的表达量差异较小。该基因在工蜂幼虫和蛹期的表达同样较低,但在羽化后9日龄前后的哺育蜂王浆腺和头部特异性高表达,这与哺育蜂分泌蜂王浆哺育幼虫和蜂王的功能是相适应的,该结果在转录水平上证实了 mrjp7 的营养功能,为进一步的研究和应用打下了理论基础。
      Major royal jelly proteins, encodeded and synthesized by the gene family of major royal jelly proteins ( mrjps ), was the basis of biological functions of royal jelly. However, part family members are less expressed even undetectable in royal jelly such as mrjp7 Gene function was related with their spatial and temporal expression profile, to determine the possible function of major royal jelly protein 7 gene ( mrjp7 ) in honeybee ( Apis mellifera L ), Real-time PCR technique was employed to quantity the expression of mrjp7 in different developing stage of worker, and different tissues of adult worker, queen and drone. The results showed that the expression of mrjp7 were least in adult drone and slightly more in adult queen, and with no difference among tissuesWhile in worker, mrjp7 was low expressed in larvae and pupae stage, but specifically high expressed in hypopharyngeal gland and head of breeding worker around 9 days oldSuch expression profile in honeybee was according with the task rearing larvae and queen of breeding bee, fertilizing the nutritious function of mrjp7 at transcriptional level, which provide a theoretic basis for future research and utilization.
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