Comparison of mass-rearing Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae)using different type of parasites
中文关键词:  管氏肿腿蜂  种蜂类型  繁育效果
英文关键词:Scleroderma guani  types of bethylid  effect of breeding
胡尊瑞,李志强,姜晓龙,徐志强* (1.北京农业职业学院园艺系北京 1024422.中国农业大学昆虫学系北京 100193) 
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      经连续多代利用中间寄主黄粉甲人工扩繁管氏肿腿蜂后,种蜂出现一定退化,主要表现为寄生率和寄生成功率下降、单管出蜂量减少、子代蜂体型趋小等等。种蜂退化与繁育寄主的营养状况、种蜂保藏条件和接蜂繁育条件等因素有关。本研究根据设定的形态差异标准把种蜂划分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型种蜂,将3种类型种蜂分别进行繁育试验,统计比较各型种蜂的母代寄生率、寄生成功率、单管出蜂量、子代性比、存活率等参数,确定在人工扩繁应选用的种蜂类型。结果表明:Ⅰ型种蜂经50 d的适宜条件保藏后,以3∶1蜂虫比接蜂繁育,繁育效果更佳。
      There would be a degradation on the stirp of Scleroderma guani after long-term rearing using alternate host, and the result is showed as a phenomenon that parasitic rate and successful parasitic rate will decline obviously and with a low number and degraded individual of the filial generation. This is related with alternate host, the parasite itself and the breeding environment. The parasites were divided into three types defining as typeⅠtype Ⅱ and type Ⅲ depended on their shape diversity .Then the rearing of S.guani was carried out separately using three types of parasites mentioned above. By comparing the main parasitic parameters comprehensively of three types parasites, we determined which type of parasite was suitable enough for the mass-rearing. Finally,the study showed that typeⅠis the best choise. When the parasites is stored 50 days and made parasite-host ratio 3 to 1, the breeding effect is excellent.
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