黄海涛,李秋剑*, 李志锐,简汉彪,吴作谦,黄继展,2016,澳门蝶类物种多样性及其区系研究[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):87-94
Study on species diversity and fauna of butterflies in Macao
中文关键词:  澳门  蝶类  物种多样性  区系
英文关键词:Macao  butterfly  species diversity  fauna
黄海涛,李秋剑*, 李志锐,简汉彪,吴作谦,黄继展 1.广东省昆虫研究所广东省农业害虫综合治理重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 5102602. 澳门特别行政区民政总署澳门) 
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      2013年6月至2014年5月对澳门的蝶类群落进行了系统研究,共获得蝶类标本876号,隶属于9科50属65 种。灰蝶科的种类数(16种)和个体数(234头)均为最多,为优势类群,酢浆灰蝶为优势种。蛱蝶科的种级多样性指数最高,凤蝶科次之。分析了澳门各个区域蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度、均匀度指数、优势度指数和优势集中性指数,结果表明生境条件的变化对蝶类多样性产生了明显的影响,人类活动对环境和森林植被的干扰越大,蝶类多样性指数就越低。路环岛的城市化发展程度最低,植被覆盖率最高,最适合蝶类生存和繁衍,因此具有最高的多样性指数、物种丰富度、均匀度指数、物种数和个体数以及最低的优势度指数和优势集中性指数;澳门半岛和氹仔岛的城市化发展程度较高,生境质量相对较差,蝶类的多样性指数、物种丰富度和均匀度指数较低,而优势度指数和优势集中性指数较高。蝶类的多样性特征可以作为城市生境质量和环境变化的指示物。澳门的蝶类区系只有东洋种(50种)和广布种(15种),所占的比例分别为76.92%和23.08%,可见澳门蝶类东洋种占有绝对的优势。
      The butterfly species in Macao was studied based on the collection from June 2013 to May 2014. A total of 876 butterfly specimens were collected,of which 65 species in 50 genera under 9 families were identified . Lycaenidae was the dominant family,with the most species number (16)and individuals (234). Pseudozizeeria maha was dominant species. For species diversity index H′(S) , Nymphalidae was the highest, and the next was Papilionidae . The diversity index,the specific richness,the dominance index,the evenness index and the dominant concentration index of the three habitats were analyzed . The results showed that the change of the environmental quality influenced the diversity of butterfly remarkably . The greater the influence of human activity on the environment and forest vegetation,the lower the diversity index of the butterfly was . In Coloane Island,The lowest degree of urbanization development and the highest vegetation coverage,which was fit for butterflies to exist and breed . So the diversity index,the specific richness and the evenness index were the greatest,but the dominance index and the dominant concentration index were the lowest . In Macau Peninsula, and Taipa Island,the higher degree of urbanization development resulted in the relatively poor environmental quality,where the diversity index,the specific richness and evenness index were the lowest,but the dominance index and the dominant concentration index were the highest . Being significantly impacted by urbanization, butterfly diversity can serve as an effective indicator of urban environmental quality and change .Faunal characteristics of butterflies in Macao showed that 50 Oriental species and 15 Cosmopolitan species, occupied 76.92% and 23.08% in total, respectively .Cosmopolitan species were absolutely dominant .
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