余海滨1,梁伟莎1,方天松1, 潘志萍2*,2015,广东省扶桑绵粉蚧对园林植物为害及其天敌的调查[J].环境昆虫学报,37(5):1109-1112
Investigation of demage and its natural enemies of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley on garden plants in Guangdong Province
中文关键词:  扶桑绵粉蚧  广东省  园林植物  天敌
英文关键词:Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley  Guangdong Province  garden plants  natural enemies
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新专项资金项目 (2013KJCX015-03)
余海滨1,梁伟莎1,方天松1, 潘志萍2* (1. 广东省林业有害生物防治检疫管理办公室广州 510173
2. 广东省昆虫研究所广东省农业害虫综合治理重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 510260) 
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      2013-2014年调查了扶桑绵粉蚧 Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley 对广东城镇绿化带、公园、高速(国道)公路等园林植物的危害及其天敌种类,结果表明,广州、珠海、深圳等17个地级市均有扶桑绵粉蚧发生,呈点片分布,主要为害扶桑、驳骨丹、蟛蜞菊等9种园林植物,高速(国道)公路绿化带的园林植物受扶桑绵粉蚧为害最严重,其次是公园(景点)绿化带的园林植物,而城区绿化带、苗木花卉基地(市场)由于管理较好,园林植物受到扶桑绵粉蚧为害最轻。调查过程中,共采集到了7种天敌昆虫,分别是孟氏隐唇瓢虫 Cryptolaemus montrouzineri Mulsant、圆斑弯月毛瓢虫 Nephus quadrimaculatus(Kamiya)、六斑月瓢虫 Menochilus sexmaculata (Fabricius)、草蛉 Chrysopa sp.、班氏跳小蜂 Aenasius bambawalei Hayat、粉蚧抑虱跳小蜂 Acerophagus coccois Smith 和粉蚧广腹细蜂Allotropa sp.。
      Through investigation of Guangdong urban green belts, parks, high-speed (state)highway landscapes, etc., had been clear about the harm of Phenacoccus solenopsis. Tinsley to garden plants and its natural enemies in Guangdong Province during 2013-2014. The results showed that P. solenopsis had distribution in 17 prefecture level cities, including Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen,etc. P. solenopsis main damaged on 9 kinds of garden plants,including Hibiscus rosasinensis, Grendarussa valgaris, Wedelia chinensis, etc. Garden plants of high-speed (state)highway landscape were the worst by infesting, followed by the parks (view spots), and urban green belts, nursery stock base (market)were the lightest on the damage of P. solenopsis. In the course of the investigation, seven species of natural enemies were collected and identificated. They are Cryptolaemus montrouzineri Mulsant, Nephus quadrimaculatus (Kamiya), Menochilus sexmaculata (Fabricius),Chrysopasp., Aenasius bambawalei Hayat, Acerophagus coccoisSmith, Allotropa sp., respectively. 
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