Study on preying potential of different stages of nymphs and adults of Harmonia axyridis Pallas on Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
中文关键词:  异色瓢虫  烟蚜  捕食潜能  功能反应
英文关键词:Harmonia axyridis Pallas  Myzus persicae (Sulzer)  preying potential  functional response
王媛1,陈越1,张拯研2,曾嵘2,冼继东1* (1. 华南农业大学农学院广州 5106422. 云南省烟草公司曲靖市公司云南曲靖 655000) 
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      异色瓢虫是烟田烟蚜的优势天敌种类之一,本文在室内进行了异色瓢虫成虫及各龄幼虫对烟草蚜虫的捕食功能反应试验,采用Holling-Ⅱ型功能反应模型进行拟合以明确其捕食潜能,利用 Hassell 模型和 Watt 模型拟合并测定了异色瓢虫种内干扰以及自身密度对烟蚜捕食作用的影响,结果表明:异色瓢虫各虫态对烟蚜的捕食量有明显的差异,在相同的烟蚜密度条件下,异色瓢虫4龄幼虫的日最大捕食量最大,为107.41头;其次是成虫,其日最大捕食量为94.34头;3龄幼虫、2龄幼虫和1龄幼虫的日最大捕食量分别为40.32头、14.25头和12.15头。在一定空间和相同比例猎物存在的条件下,种内干扰作用对1龄异色瓢虫幼虫的捕食量影响最为明显,干扰常数为1.1731,而对4龄幼虫干扰最小。各虫态自身密度对其捕食作用的干扰效应明显,1-4龄异色瓢虫幼虫以及成虫的竞争参数b值分别为0.5199、0.1848、0.1351、0.6757、0.6528。本研究表明异色瓢虫对烟蚜捕食潜力很大,尤其是4龄幼虫及成虫对烟蚜具有较大的捕食潜能。
      Harmonia axyridis Pallas is one species of dominant natural enemies of in the tobacco field. The preying functional responses of different stages of nymphs and adults ofH. axyridis Pallas to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were studied in laboratory. Experimental data was fitted by mathematical models Holling-Ⅱ in which controlling effects were determined by parameters of preying potential capacity. The influences of intraspecific interference and the density functional response were determined by the mathematical models Hassell and Watt. The results showed that great difference were found to exist between the larvae at difference stages and the adult of H. axyridis in their daily preying capacity. With similar population density of prey, the 4thinstar larvae of H. axyridishad the greatest daily preying capacity, it was 107.41 Followed by the adult was 94.34. The daily maximum number of the 3rd instar, 2ndinstar and 1st instar larvae were 40.32, 14.25 and 12.15, respectively. In certain space and the same proportion of prey being conditions, the influences of intraspecific interference of the 1st instar larvae was the biggest, and its interfere coefficient was 1.1731.The interfere coefficient of the 4th instar larvae was the smallest. The interference effect of the population density of the predator to its preying activity was significant, the competition parameter of 1st instar, 2nd instar, 3rd instar, 4th instar larvae and adult were 0.5199, 0.1848, 0.1351, 0.6757 and 0.6528, respectively. It indicated substantial predation potential,especially of the 4th instar larvae and adults of H. axyridis Pallas against M. persicae (Sulzer).
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