Biological characteristics and life history of Arge similis (Vollenhoven)
中文关键词:  杜鹃三节叶蜂  形态特征  生物学特性  生活史
英文关键词:Arge similis  morphological characteristics  biological characteristics  life history
付浪1,贾彩娟2,温健1,陈科伟1* (1. 华南农业大学农学院广州 5016402. 深圳市梧桐山风景区管理处深圳 518004) 
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      杜鹃三节叶蜂 Arge similis(Vollenhoven)是深圳市梧桐山风景区的一种重要害虫,为害杜鹃花科 Ericaceae 的多个栽培种类,严重影响植株的长势及观赏价值。本试验通过野外调查和室内观察,对杜鹃三节叶蜂的形态特征、生物学特性及发生规律进行了研究。结果表明:杜鹃三节叶蜂在深圳市梧桐山风景区一年发生7代,以蛹越冬,翌年2月下旬越冬蛹陆续开始羽化为成虫,3月上中旬即开始产卵,4-9月份有明显的世代重叠,11月下旬老熟幼虫入土化蛹越冬,完成一个世代需要32-46 d。卵集中产在杜鹃嫩叶叶背与叶缘表皮之间。幼虫共5龄,具有暴发性、暴食性的特点,1-2龄幼虫群集取食,食量较小,3龄以后幼虫开始分散为害,食量大增。老熟幼虫在植株基部周围的土壤中或枯枝落叶层间吐丝结茧化蛹,化蛹深度在距地表2-5 cm左右。
      Arge similis (Vollenhoven) is an important pest in Shenzhen Wutongshan National Park, A. similis larvae feed on the plants of Ericaceae, and impaired the development and sight value of their host plants. The morphological,biological characteristics and life history of A. similis were studied in both the laboratory and field. The results showed that A. similishad seven generations per year in Shenzhen Wutongshan National Park,and it took 32-46 days to complete one generation. The activities of this pest could be observed during February-November, and over winter pupae began to emerge in the last ten days of February, eggs were found in the early mid days of March, the old larvae of the 7th generation pupated in the last ten days of November, and the overlapped generations appeared during April September A. similispreferred to lay eggs into the tissue of leaf edge at the back side. The larvae experienced five instars, the 1st and 2ndinstars fed in groups, and started to feed dispersedly in the 3rd instars. The old larvae pupated as a cocoon inside the soil at a depth of 2-5 cm to the surface or fallen leaves on the surface.
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