A clarifying study on the valid name of Genus CyllorhynchitesVoss (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) and the identification of its common species in China
中文关键词:  剪枝象属  栗实剪枝象  橡实剪枝象  幼虫  形态  寄主  生活史  地理分布
英文关键词:Cyllorhynchites  Cyllorhynchites cumulatus  Cyllorhynchites ursulus  larva  morphology  host plants  life history  geographical distribution
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31270470, 31330013, 30770372)
摘要点击次数: 1066
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      剪枝象属 Cyllorhynchites Voss 隶属于齿颚象科 Rhynchitidae 齿颚象亚科 Rhynchitinae 齿颚象族 Rhynchitini,但其属名在国内外使用较为混乱。此外,该属的常见种类栗实剪枝象 Cyllorhynchites cumulatus Voss与橡实剪枝象 C. ursulus Roelofs等常被误认为隶属于同 Mecorhis或 Mechoris 属。通过查阅相关文献和我国多地所采集的标本,本文旨在厘清剪枝象的有效学名,并对栗实剪枝象和橡实剪枝象的形态和生态特征进行了补充,以便提供更准确的鉴别特征。结果如下:(1)剪枝象属拉丁学名为 CyllorhynchitesVoss,而非 Mecorhis Billberg 或Mechoris。栗实剪枝象与橡实剪枝象的中文学名以寄主命名。(2)栗实剪枝象成虫身体蓝黑色,鞘翅上的白色短柔毛稀疏且行纹明显。幼虫体长6.0-9.0 mm,触角感觉器长矛状;额背面的刚毛仅有2对,标记为fs4,fs5;头盖背面无刚毛;上唇及唇基较窄。分布于黄河以南,主要以栗属植物为寄主。在安徽金寨,栗实剪枝象的羽化期在5月底-6月底,成虫羽化后即可交配、产卵,产卵期和剪枝期在6月-7月上旬。橡实剪枝象成虫身体黑褐色,但足为褐色。鞘翅上的黄色短柔毛较密且行纹不明显。幼虫体长8.0-10.0 mm,触角感觉器长圆锥状;额背面的刚毛仅有1对,标记为fs5;头盖背面的刚毛仅有1对,标记为des5;上唇及唇基较宽。广布中国南北和日本、朝鲜半岛,以栎属和青冈属植物为寄主。在四川都江堰,橡实剪枝象的羽化期在6月-7月。由于橡子尚未发育,其成虫羽化后需经历较长的营养补充期,产卵期和剪枝期在8月中旬-9月底。本研究澄清了过去关于剪枝象属的分类归属,并对两种常见剪枝象的形态和生态特征进行了深入比较,为生产上准确鉴别这些剪枝象种类提供参考。
      Genus Cyllorhynchites Voss, branch-cutting weevil, belongs to the tribe Rhynchitini ( Rhynchitidae: Rhynchitinae). However, this genus was often treated as Mecorhis Voss or Mechoris in the same tribe by mistake, and its common species such as Cyllorhynchites cumulatus Voss and C. ursulus Roelofs are also confused due to uncorrected genus name. By checking published records and collecting specimens from different regions in China, we aimed to clarify its valid generic name of branch-cutting weevil and provide additional data about morphological and ecological characteristics for the identification of these two common species. Our results showed that: (1) The branch-cutting weevil belongs to Cyllorhynchites, rather than Mecorhis Billberg or Mechoris. The Chinese names of Cyllorhynchites cumulatus andCyllorhynchites ursuluswere named after their key host plants. (2) For C. cumulates, adult body blackish-blue, white short pubescences are sparse so that striae are obvious. The length of larvae is about 6.0-9.0 mm, antennal sensorium long lanciform. There are 2 setae, fs4 (frontal seta 4), fs5, respectively, on the dorsum of frons. No seta on the dorsum of epicranium. Labrumand clypeus narrow. The species distributes in southern regions of Yellow River in China, host plants belonging to Castaneaspecies. In the Jinzhai County of Anhui Province, the emergence period ofC. cumulates adults is from late May to late June, then adults begin to mate and lay eggs just after emergence. C. cumulates females lay eggs and cut branches during June and early July. For C. ursulus, adult body blackish-brown and all legs brown, yellow short pubescences are dense so that striae are not obvious. The length of larvae is 8.0-10.0 mm, antennal sensorium longconical. There is only 1 seta, fs5, on the dorsum of frons. Only 1 seta, des5 (dorsoepicraneal 5), on the dorsum of epicranium. Labrumand clypeus broad. The species distributes in most regions of China, host plants fromQuercusand Cyclobalanopsis.In the Dujiangyan City of Sichuan Province, the emergence period of C. ursulus is from June to July C. ursulus females lay eggs and cut branches during middle August and late September because they need undergo longer feeding period before egg laying due to delayed development of acorns. In this study, We illustrate the affiliation of the genus Cyllorhynchites on taxonomy and provide new data for the identification of the two common species.
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