The study of pollinating insects and their flower-visiting behavior on Malus pumila Mill
中文关键词:  意大利蜜蜂  苹果传粉昆虫  毛附黑条蜂  访花习性
英文关键词:Malus pumilaMill  pollinating insects  Apis mellifera Linne  Anthophora acervoum villosulaSmith  flower-visiting behavior
基金项目:国家农业技术体系专项资金 (CARS-45-KXJ5);国家公益性行业(农业)专项 (201203080);山西省科技攻关项目 (20140311006-10)
摘要点击次数: 990
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      为了解苹果花期的传粉昆虫,更好地利用昆虫为苹果授粉,本文对山西运城临猗、临汾隰县苹果的传粉昆虫进行调查,结果表明:调查区苹果传粉昆虫共计23种,隶属于4目、14科,主要传粉昆虫依次为膜翅目的蜜蜂科、条蜂科、切叶蜂科、地蜂科和双翅目的食蚜蝇科。其中,意大利蜜蜂和毛附黑条蜂为主要传粉昆虫。日活动规律观察表明,蜜蜂属于双峰型,条蜂属于单峰型;条蜂出巢温度(温度为16.4℃)低于蜜蜂的出巢温度(18.8℃),11∶00 - 12∶00 和 15∶00 - 16∶00 为蜜蜂访花高峰,条蜂访花高峰在 10∶00 - 11∶00。
      To understand pollination insects and the use of insect pollination at apple florescence, flower-visiting insects were observed in Linyi county (Yuncheng) and Xi county (Linfen). The results showed that 23 species were identified, belonging to 4 orders, 14 families. The most common visitors were Apidae, Anthophoridae, Megachilidae,Andrenidae,Syrphidae. The observation of daily activity pattern showed thatApis mellifera Linne belong to the bimodal type, Anthophora acervoum villosulaSmith belongs to unimodal type A. acervorum out of the nest temperature (16.4℃) was lower than the bees temperature (18.8℃), the peak of A. acervorum pollination at 11∶00-12∶00 and 15∶00-16∶00,the peak of bee pollination at 10∶00-11∶00.
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