Preliminary observation of reproductive characteristics and active regulation of adult Ophraella communa
中文关键词:  广聚萤叶甲  豚草  天敌昆虫  交配  产卵
英文关键词:Ophraella communa  Ambrosia artemisiifolia  natural enemy  mating  oviposition
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      广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa是豚草Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL.的一种重要专一性天敌昆虫,对豚草抑制作用显著。本文在室内对广聚萤叶甲成虫交配和产卵活动进行观察,结果表明广聚萤叶甲成虫一生多次交配多次产卵,雄虫交配前期为2.7d,明显长于雌虫的0.9d。交配雌虫有产卵前期,然后开始产卵。成虫交配活动主要在8:00-21:00,一般产卵高峰在12:00-16:00,在交配后的前16天,雌虫产卵处在高峰期,随后产卵逐渐减少。本论文为进一步开展广聚萤叶甲繁殖生物学研究和大量繁殖提供基础。
      Ophraella communa LeSage, an important specific natural enemy of the invasive weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, took a significantly inhibitive effect on the weed.Mating and oviposition behaviors ofO.communa adults were observed in the laboratory.The results showed that multiple matings and oviposition occurred during mature stage.Pre-copulation duration of male was 2.7 days, which was far longer than that of female (0.9 days).Mated females had pre-oviposition duration prior to oviposition.Adults mated mostly from 8:00 to 21:00 and laid eggs at 12:00 to 16:00 per dayWithin 16 days of ovipositional period, the peak of eggs laid by females was observed, and the number of eggs laid by females was then reduced gradually.The results provided the foundations for further reproductive biology researches of the beetle.
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