Department of Parasitology, Guiyang Medical College,Guiyang 550004, China
中文关键词:  家蝇  纤维素酶  消化器官  酶活性  最适反应条件
英文关键词:Musca domestica  cellulase  digestive organs  enzymatic activity  the optimal reaction condition
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      采用DNSA法研究家蝇3龄幼虫各消化器官中纤维素酶的组成及特性。结果表明,家蝇各消化器官均含有内切β-1,4-葡聚糖酶(endo-β-1,4 glucanase,EC 3214,EG)、外切β-1,4-葡聚糖酶(exo-β-1,4-glucanase, EC3.2.1.91,CBH)和β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-glucosidase, EC,BG)。家蝇消化器官中EG、CBH和BG的最适反应时间均为60 min,最适反应温度为50℃,这些酶在体外的热稳定性较好,在50℃以下处理1 h能保持较高的活性。这三种纤维素酶在不同消化器官中的配比关系和活性表现存在一定的差异,其中中肠的酶活性最高,在最适反应条件下,EG、CBH和BG的酶活性分别达到1.02±0.033 IU/mg、1.57±0.070 IU/mg和1.2±0.048 IU/mg。
      The study is to analyze the components and enzymatic activity of cellulase in digestive organs of theMusca domestica third instar larvae by DNSA method.The results showed that endo- β-1,4 dextranase glucanase(EG), exo-β-1,4-glucanase (CBH) and β- glucosidase (BG) all exist in its digestive organs.The optimal reaction time of EG, CBH and BG in 60 min and their best reaction temperature is 50℃These enzymes have so good heat stability in vitro that their activity keeps a high level below 50℃ within the one-hour treatment.But these three kinds of cellulase have different ratio and activity in different digestive organs.The enzymatic activity of midgut is the highest, and the specific activity of EG, CBH and BG reaches to 1.02±0.033 IU/mg, 1.57±0.070 IU/mg and 1.2±0.048 IU/mgrespectively in the optimal reaction condition
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