Black soldier fly antimicrobial peptides induced conditions optimization and research of crude extracts activity
中文关键词:  黑水虻  抗菌肽  诱导  优化  抑菌活性
英文关键词:Hermetia illuens  antimicrobial peptides  induction  optimization  antibacterial activity
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      采用不同诱导方法、不同诱导剂量及不同诱导时间诱导黑水虻Hermetia illucens L.幼虫产生抗菌肽,通过研磨提取法提取幼虫抗菌肽粗提物,并对所提取粗提物进行抑菌活性的比较研究,以优化黑水虻幼虫抗菌肽的诱导条件,为黑水虻抗菌肽的分离纯化提供最佳的实验方法。结果表明,不同龄期黑水虻幼虫产生抗菌肽的抑菌活性不同,最佳诱导龄期为5龄;不同诱导方法产生抗菌肽对大肠杆菌抑菌活性不同,大肠杆菌菌液针刺浸泡60 s,诱导后饲养24 h提取抗菌肽抑菌活性最好,其次为超声波100 W诱导20 min产生抗菌肽抑菌活性,但二者活性相比差异不显著;大肠杆菌菌液、金黄色葡萄球菌菌液注射诱导、金黄色葡萄球菌菌液针刺浸泡诱导及40 w超声波诱导所产生抗菌肽虽有一定的抑菌效果但与前两种方法相比差异显著。
      Antimicrobial peptides were induced from black soldier fly(Hermetia illucens L.) larvae by different induction methods, doses and durations, We got crude antimicrobial peptides by grinding extraction method, we compared activity of those crude antimicrobial peptides, optimized induction conditions and provided reliable experimental conditions for separating and purifing the antimicrobial peptides.Our results demonstrated that the antimicrobial peptides extracted from different instar larvae had different antimicrobial activity, antimicrobial peptides extracted from 5th instar larvae had strongest antimicrobial activity.Diffenent inducing methods created different antimicrobial activity.When the larvae were induced byEscherichia coliliquid acupuncture for 60 s, their antimicrobial peptides had strongest antimicrobial activity, following was induced by 100W ultrasonic for 20 minutes, but their activity showed no significant difference.We also obtained the antimicrobial peptides Induced by Escherichia coliand Staphylococcus aureusliquid injection, Staphylococcus aureus liquid acupuncture and 40W ultrasonic, but those antimicrobial peptides had obviously weaker antimicrobial activity compared with the best method
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