中华蜜蜂肠道菌Gilliamella sp. G0441分离、鉴定及基因组分析 |
Isolation, identification, and genomic analysis of Gilliamella sp. G0441 from the intestinal tract of Asian honey bees, Apis cerana cerana |
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中文关键词: 中华蜜蜂 肠道菌群 Gilliamella 基因组分析 |
英文关键词:Asian honey bee gut microbiota Gilliamella genomic analysis |
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中文摘要: |
蜜蜂肠道菌群由一组特定的细菌组成,在宿主营养代谢、免疫调节及解毒等方面发挥重要作用。本研究对一来自中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana工蜂肠道的菌株——G0441进行了分离、鉴定以及基因组分析。G0441菌体呈圆形,直径约1 mm,表面光滑,半透明;严格厌氧生长。基于16S rRNA基因序列分析结果可知:G0441菌株属于γ变形菌纲,Orbaceae科,其最近的近缘种均为Gilliamella属物种。G0441基因组大小为2.6 Mb,总GC含量比值为35%;基因组编码2 350个基因,其中包括2 299个蛋白编码基因,蛋白编码基因序列长度占比为85%。对蛋白编码基因进行COG功能分类注释,结果显示:氨基酸转运和代谢、碳水化合物转运和代谢、翻译-核糖体结构与生物发生、转录、复制-重组-修复、细胞壁/细胞膜/包膜生物发生等功能类别得到显著富集。此外,从G0441基因组中还注释得到159个毒力因子、77个耐药基因、22个碳水化合物活性酶、255种转运蛋白、565个跨膜蛋白基因、201个信号肽蛋白基因及多个脂蛋白基因。泛基因组分析显示:在6种近缘菌株的同源基因中,存在145个共有基因(core gene)和7 190个特有基因(specific gene),其中,G0441含有221个特有基因。基于core单拷贝基因和全基因组SNP位点的系统进化树分析均表明:G0441与Gilliamella sp. ESL0441菌株亲缘关系最为接近。本研究分离并鉴定了一种中华蜜蜂肠道菌Gilliamella菌株(命名为Gilliamella sp. G0441)。本研究获得的菌株基因组信息为进一步探索Gilliamella sp. G0441相关功能奠定基础。 |
英文摘要: |
The gut microbiota of honey bees consists of a specialized group of bacteria that are essential for host nutrition metabolism, immune regulation, and detoxification. In this study, a bacterial strain designated G0441 was isolated from the intestinal tract of worker bees of the Asian honey bee Apis cerana cerana. This strain was subsequently identified and subjected to genome analysis. The colonies of G0441 exhibited a circular morphology, measuring approximately 1 mm in diameter, with a smooth and translucent surface. Optimal growth of the G0441 was achieved under strict anaerobic conditions. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed G0441within the order γ-Proteobacteria and the family Orbaceae with the closest relatives being members of the Gilliamella genus. The genome of G0441measures 2.6 Mb in size and has a GC content of 35%. It encodes a total of 2350 genes, including 2299 protein-coding genes, which account for 85% of the genome’s total length. Functional annotation of the protein-coding genes using the Cluster of Orthologous Groups (COG) database revealed significant enrichment in several key categories, including amino acid transport and metabolism, carbohydrate transport and metabolism, translation-ribosomal structure and biogenesis, transcription, replication-recombination-repair, and cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis. Additionally, genome annotation of G0441 identified 159 virulence factors, 77 antibiotic resistance genes, 22 carbohydrate-active enzymes, 255 transporter proteins, 565 transmembrane protein genes, 201 signal peptide protein genes, and multiple lipoproteins genes. Pan-genome analysis of six closely related strains revealed 145 core genes and 7190 strain-specific genes, with G0441 containing 221 unique genes. Phylogenetic analysis, based on both core single-copy genes and whole-genome SNPs, consistently demonstrated that G0441 is most closely related to the Gilliamella sp. ESL0441 strain. This study successfully isolated and identified a strain of Gilliamella bacteria, designated as Gilliamella sp. G0441, from the intestinal tract of A. cerana. The genomic data obtained in this study provide a foundation for further investigation to the functional characteristics of Gilliamella sp. G0441. |
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