The research development on the feeding behavior of aquatic insect larvae
中文关键词:  水生昆虫  幼虫  取食行为  取食机理
英文关键词:Aquatic insect  larvae  feeding behavior  feeding mechanism
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yu-Tong, CHEN Xiao-Ke, CAO Cheng-Quan  
Hits: 70
Download times: 20
      As an important behavior for survival, the feeding behavior of larval aquatic insect is the research focus of the behavioral research in aquatic insects. This paper reviewed the research progress of feeding habits, feeding mechanism, feeding behavior, digestion process and feeding influencing factors of larval aquatic insect, and pointed out that the feeding mechanism of aquatic insects should be further studied in the future to promote the behavioral research of aquatic insects and provide theoretical support for artificial breeding of resource aquatic insects.
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