Non-targeted metabolomics-based analysis of differences in the gut metabolic profile of Spodoptera frugiperda between feeding corn and rice
中文关键词:  草地贪夜蛾  肠道代谢  寄主转移  存活率
英文关键词:Fall armyworm  gut metabolic  host transfer  survival rate
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Yu-Ying, TANG Xue, LV Bao-Qian, SUN Qiang, TANG Ji-Hong, LU Hui, ZHANG Qi-Kai, LIU Zhuo 1. College of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang Province, China
2. Hainan Key Laboratory of Tropical Agricultural Pest Monitoring and Control,Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Environment and Plant Protection Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences, Haikou 571101, China 
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      为了探究草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith在不同寄主上的适应性,本试验采用室内饲养观察法比较其取食玉米Zea mays L.和水稻Oryza sativa L.叶片后的发育、存活和繁殖,同时,对草地贪夜蛾4龄幼虫肠道进行解剖,运用代谢组学分析方法,探究幼虫在分别取食两种寄主植物(玉米/水稻)后肠道代谢谱的差异,筛选与不同寄主取食相关的重要代谢物及代谢通路。结果显示,相较取食玉米叶片(对照组),取食水稻叶片(试验组)的世代周期延长(38.05±0.35 d),成虫前期存活率下降(0.46±0.01),生命表参数中净繁殖力R0(191.68±33.54)、内禀增长率r(0.125±6.77)、周限增长率λ(1.133±7.65)均低于对照组;肠道代谢谱中,共有750个差异代谢物,其中下调587个,上调163个,取食水稻叶片较取食玉米叶片的草地贪夜蛾幼虫肠道中,下调的差异代谢物主要包括组氨酸、α-亚麻酸(ALA)和莽草酸;上调的代谢物有天冬酰胺基半胱氨酸以及N-乙酰氨基甲酸等,这些代谢物涉及氨基酸代谢和脂质代谢等通路。本研究结果可为草地贪夜蛾取食不同寄主的适应机制提供了线索。
      To investigate the adaptability of Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith on different host plants, we compared the development, survival and reproduction of S. frugiperda feeding on the leaves of corn Zea mays L. and rice Oryza sativa L., respectively, under laboratory conditions. Also, the intestinal tract of 4th instar larvae was dissected, and metabolomics analysis was applied to investigate the differences in gut metabolic profiles of the larvae after feeding on two host plants (corn/rice), and to screen the important metabolites and metabolic pathways related to feeding on different hosts. The results showed that compared with the corn feeding treatment (control group), the generation time of rice feeding treatment (experimental group) was extended (38.05±0.35 d), the survival rate of pre-adult in the early stage decreased (0.46±0.01), and the Net reproductive rate R0 (191.68±33.54), Intrinsic rate of increase r (0.125±6.77) and Finite rate of increase λ (1.133±7.65) were lower than those in the control group. In the gut metabolic profile, there were a total of 750 differential metabolites, of which 163 were up-regulated and 587 were down-regulated, and the down-regulated differential metabolites mainly included Histidine, Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA) and Shikimic acid in the gut tract of S. frugiperda larvae that fed on rice leaves compared with feeding on corn leaves. The up-regulated metabolites include Asparaginyl-Cysteine and N-Acetylanonaine, which were involved in pathways closely related to the regulatory mechanisms of Amino acid metabolism and Lipid metabolism. These metabolites were involve in pathways such as Amino acid metabolism and Lipid metabolism. Our results provide clues to the adaptation mechanisms of S. frugiperda feeding on different hosts.
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