Preliminary observation on the morphological characteristics and biological characteristics of the tea leaf pest Thosea sinensis
中文关键词:  扁刺蛾  形态特征  生活习性  生活史
英文关键词:Thosea sinensis  morphological characteristics  life habits  life-history
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Zhao-Xia, HU Gui-Ping, YANG Bin-Huang, CAO Hong-Mei, XIE Xiao-Qun, HE Wang-Xing, JIANG Guo-Fang, XUE Fang-Sen, FU Shu, ZHANG Ling-Ling 1. College of Oceanology and Food Science, Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou 362000, Fujian Province, China
2. Jiangxi Cash Crops Research Institute, Nanchang 330046, China
3. Institute of Entomology, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
4. Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology, Fujian Province University, Quanzhou 362000, Fujian Province,China
5. College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002 
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      随着全球气候变暖,部分地区茶园害虫扁刺蛾Thosea sinensis再次爆发,为有效提高对其野外识别和预测预报的水平,开展了不同发育阶段虫体的形态特征及其生物学特性初步观察。结果表明,扁刺蛾卵扁平、椭圆形,卵长2.41 mm、卵宽1.77 mm,卵壳有网状线纹结构。幼虫具3对胸足、无腹足,移动时腹部呈波浪状蠕动,老熟幼虫体重542.35 mg、体长21.76 mm、体宽13.30 mm。老熟幼虫结茧后于茧内化蛹,雌虫茧长、宽均显著大于雄虫茧。蛹期体色由乳黄色渐变为黄白色、褐色至灰黑色,复眼由乳黄色渐变为红色至黑色,雌蛹体重446.95 mg,显著高于雄蛹363.32 mg。成虫体灰褐色,前翅近2/3处有一褐色横带,雌成虫体长15.23 mm显著大于雄成虫13.55 mm。扁刺蛾在江西地区1年发生2~3代,第3代发生率仅为1.37%,该虫野外被寄生率为4.66%。
      With global warming, tea plantation pest Thosea sinensis broke out again in some areas. In order to effectively improve the level of field identification and prediction, a preliminary observation of the morphological characteristics and biological characteristics of T. sinensis at different developmental stages was carried out. The results showed that the eggs of T. sinensis were flat and oval in shape, and the egg shell had a reticulated streak structure. The egg length was 2.41 mm and the egg width was 1.77 mm. The larvae had three pairs of thoracic feet and no gastropods. The abdomen showed wavy peristalsis when moving. The body weight of mature larvae (one day before cocooning) was 542.35 mg, the body length and width were 21.76 mm and 13.30 mm, respectively. Mature larvae pupate in the cocoon after cocooning, and the cocoon length and width of female cocoon were larger than those of the male cocoon. For pupae, the body color changed from milky yellow to yellow-white, brown and gray-black, and the compound eyes changed from milky yellow to red and black. The weight of female pupae 446.95 mg was significantly higher than that of male pupae 363.32 mg. The body color of adult was gray-brown, with a brown transverse band near 2/3 of the forewings. The body length of females 15.23 mm was significantly longer than that of males 13.55 mm. There were 2~3 generations of T. sinensis in Jiangxi area in one year, and the incidence rate of the third generation was only 1.37%. The parasitism rate of this insect in the wild was 4.66%.
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