Assessment of the rearing efficacy and predation ability of sesame-reared Nesidiocoris tenuis
中文关键词:  烟盲蝽  芝麻  人工饲养  动植食性
英文关键词:Nesidiocoris tenuis  Sesamum indicum  artificial rearing  zoophytophagous
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Yu-Lu, JIANG Shuang, LIU Yin-Quan Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects, Key Laboratory of Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects of Zhejiang Province, Institute of Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 
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      烟盲蝽Nesidiocoris tenuis是一种杂食性天敌昆虫。本研究通过比较芝麻饲养和补充烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci猎物饲养烟盲蝽的生物学特征,评估了用芝麻人工饲养烟盲蝽的饲养效果和该种群对自然猎物的捕食能力。结果显示,用芝麻饲养的烟盲蝽若虫发育历期较长,成虫后足胫节长度较小。然而,烟盲蝽的雌性比例、存活率、成虫生殖力以及对烟粉虱和烟蚜的捕食量没有显著差异。两个种群连续繁殖10代时,芝麻饲养的烟盲蝽种群的内禀增长率为0.2152,与补充猎物饲养的烟盲蝽种群的内禀增长率0.2398相近。以上结果表明,仅用芝麻提供营养可以进行烟盲蝽的人工饲养,并且这种方法为烟盲蝽的规模化饲养和基于芝麻种植的田间饲养模式的建立提供了参考依据。
      The mirid bug Nesidiocoris tenuis is an omnivorous predator. In this study, through the comparison of the biological characteristics of sesame-reared population and whitefly prey-plus population, we evaluated the rearing efficacy using sesame and the predatory capabilities of N. tenuis on natural preys. The results showed that the development time of N. tenuis nymphs was prolonged and the hind tibiae length of adults was smaller from sesame-reared population. However, there were no significant differences in female proportion, survival rate, fecundity and the predation abilities of N. tenuis against Bemisia tabaci and Myzus persicae between the two populations. After successive rearing for 10 generations, the innate rate of increase of N. tenuis reared on sesame was 0.2152, close to that of the prey-plus population, which was 0.2398. These findings indicate that sesame can be utilized as the only food nutrition for the artificial rearing of N. tenuis, and this new rearing method provides a reference for the mass production of N. tenuis and the establishment of a field rearing model based on sesame planting.
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