Tachinid fly diversity in Qinghai part, Qilian Mountains National Park
中文关键词:  寄蝇科  群落  物种多样性  祁连山  青藏区
英文关键词:Tachinidae  community  species diversity  Qilian Mountains  Qinghai-Tibet region
Author NameAffiliation
LI Jun-Jian, ZHANG Bai-Hui, WANG Yu-Zhuo, LI Yue, LI Xin-Yi, ZHANG Chun-Tian Liaoning Key Laboratory of Biological Evolution and Biodiversity, College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China 
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      为明确祁连山国家公园青海片区寄蝇群落结构组成及分布特征,作者团队于2019-2021年的7、8月,对该区域不同地区和海拔的寄蝇群落进行了系统调查和多样性分析。共采集到双翅目寄蝇科昆虫2 544头,隶属于4亚科14族56属108种,其中园尼里寄蝇Nilea hortulana (Meigen, 1824)、黑须卷蛾寄蝇Blondelia nigripes (Fallén, 1810)、环形驼寄蝇Phyllomya annularis (Villeneuve, 1937)、粗鬃拍寄蝇Peteina hyperdiscalis (Aldrich, 1926)、乡追寄蝇Exorista (Adenia) rustica (Fallén, 1810)、斑埃里寄蝇Erycia fasciata (Villeneuve, 1924)为优势物种。寄蝇群落多样性在不同地区顺序为:门源县(MY)>祁连县(QL)>海西州(HX) >央隆乡(YL);在不同海拔顺序为:海拔Ⅲ(3 000~3 400 m)>海拔Ⅱ(2 600~3 000 m)>海拔Ⅰ(2 373~2 600 m)>海拔Ⅳ(3 400~3 710 m)。不同地区、不同海拔之间寄蝇群落相似性均为极不相似至中等不相似,且相邻的地区、海拔之间存在更多的共有物种。总之,祁连山国家公园青海片区寄蝇群落多样性东部高于西部,中海拔丰度高于低海拔和高海拔,且各地区、各海拔的群落组成存在明显的异质性;湿度和植被可能是制约寄蝇群落多样性的主要因素,低海拔人口密集区,寄蝇群落受到了较大的人为干扰。
      In order to clarify the community structure and distribution of tachinid flies in Qilian Mountain National Park (Qinghai part), we investigated and analyzed the tachinid fly population of different zones and different altitudes throughout July-August of 2019-2021. A total of 2 544 tachinid specimens were collected, which belonging to 108 species, 56 genera, 14 tribes and 4 subfamilies. Among them, Nilea hortulana (Meigen, 1824), Blondelia nigripes (Fallén, 1810), Phyllomya annularis (Villeneuve, 1937), Peteina hyperdiscalis (Aldrich, 1926), Exorista (Adenia) rustica (Fallén, 1810), Erycia fasciata (Villeneuve, 1924) were the dominant species. Diversity indexes of the tachinid communities in different zones were: Menyuan County (MY)>Qilian County (QL)>Haixi Prefecture (HX)>Yanglong Township (YL); in different altitudes were: Ⅲ(3 000~3 400 m)>Ⅱ(2 600~3 000 m)>Ⅰ(2 373~2 600 m)>Ⅳ(3 400~3 710 m). Similarity of tachinid communities in different zones and altitudes were extremely dissimilar to medium dissimilar level, and there were more common species between adjacent zones and altitudes. In general, the diversity of tachinid fly community in Qilian Mountains National Park (Qinghai part) was richer in the east than that in the west, and the medium altitude was greater than the low altitude and high altitude, and there were obvious heterogeneity in various zones and altitudes; Humidity and vegetation may be the main factors affecting the diversity of tachinid fly community, it had been greatly disturbed by human beings in densely populated zones at low altitudes.
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