Research progress of the types and functions of insect antennal sensilla
中文关键词:  触角感器  昆虫  适应性行为  功能
英文关键词:Antennal sensilla  insects  adaptive behavior  function
Author NameAffiliation
LAN Xiao-Na, XIANG Shan-Shan, ZHU Hui Jilin Key Laboratory of Animal Resource Conservation and Utilization, Jilin Songnen Grassland Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station, Key Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology, Ministry of Education, School of Life Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China 
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      Antennal sensilla, as the key interface for information communication between the internal nervous system of insects and the external environment, is an important basic structural unit for deeply understanding behavioral responses of insects to environmental changes. Due to the effect of different environmental pressures, different types of sensilla are attached to the antennae of insects and perform different biological functions during long-term adaptative evolution. Antennal sensilla of insects play important role in behavioral changes of insects for selecting hosts, mating, and avoiding natural enemies, in order to deeply explore the mechanisms of changed behavior, it is necessary to clearly understand the types and potential functions of antennal sensilla. At present, these findings are systematically summarized in this study. The results showed that, up to now, there were 61 types of insect antennal sensilla, and they had intraspecific and interspecific characteristic differences. Meanwhile, the functions of 12 common antennal sensilla of insects were summaried, and the future research direction on insect antennal sensilla was supposed. A comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and functions of the antennal sensilla types of various insects provides new insights on insect classification from the perspective of morphological structure, and also provides a scientific basis for the adaptability of insect behavior to environmental changes from the perspective of chemical ecology.
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