Advances on study of active ingredients from Cordyceps sinensis
中文关键词:  冬虫夏草  有效成分  生物活性
英文关键词:Cordyceps sinensis  active ingredients  biological activity
基金项目:陕西省农业科技创新转化项目 ( NYKJ-2019-YL37)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Dun Institute of EntomologyNorthwest A & F UniversityYangling 712100Shaanxi ProvinceChina 
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      本文系统综述了冬虫夏草 Cordyceps sinensis 的主要化学组成和药理学作用研究进展,重点对冬虫夏草多糖、核苷、肽类和甾醇的研究成果进行了总结,同时也针对有关冬虫夏草的一些问题进行了客观评述,为深入研究其有效成分与虫草相关新药物研发提供了依据和思路。
      This paper reviewed the composition of Cordyceps sinensis and the biological activities of each component. The current status of active substances and their pharmacology for C. sinensis systematically and the polysaccharides,nucleosides,active peptides and sterols from C. sinensis were discussed deeply in this review paper. Some discussion replied the questions on C. sinensis as well. This review may provide a basis and new ideas for deep research and development of new drugs from Cordyceps.
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