警惕外来入侵物种——蜂巢奇露尾甲对我国蜂产业的威胁 |
Be alert to the threat of Aethina tumida Murray to bee industry in China |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 入侵物种 蜂巢奇露尾甲 蜂产业 |
英文关键词:Invasive species Aethina tumida Murray bee industry |
基金项目:广东省科学院建设国内一流研究机构行动专项资金项目(2020GDASYL-20200301003) |
Author Name | Affiliation | ZHANG Ming-Ming, LI Zhi-Gang, ZHAO Hong-Xia, LI Jun | 1.Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, Henan Province, China 2. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization, Guangdong Public Laboratory of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization, Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510260, China |
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中文摘要: |
蜂巢奇露尾甲 Aethina tumida Murray是危害蜜蜂种群的入侵害虫,其入侵地已遍布世界各地,对蜜蜂养殖业造成巨大冲击,该虫已在我国广东、广西和海南等省分布并造成危害。本文综述蜂巢奇露尾甲的分类学地位、生物学习性、分布地与扩散路径、主要危害及防治措施等方面的研究进展,并总结和展望了该入侵种在我国的危害情况以及急需开展的研究工作,以避免或减少该虫对我国养蜂业的影响,促进我国蜜蜂养殖业的快速健康发展。 |
英文摘要: |
Aethina tumida Murray is an invasive pest that harms bee population, its invasive sites have spread all over the world, causing great impact on bee breeding industry.The pest has been distributed and caused harm in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Province of China, In this paper, the taxonomic status, biological learning, distribution, diffusion path, main hazards and control measures of A. tumida were reviewed. The harm of A. tumida and the urgent research work were summarized and prospected in China, so as to avoid or reduce the impact of A.tumida on bee breeding industry in China. This paper provided a theoretical reference for promoting the rapid and healthy development of bee breeding industry in China. |
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