昆虫抗药性种群相对适合度指标的改进 |
Improvement on the index of relative fitness in resistant population of insects |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 昆虫 抗药性 相对适合度 净生殖率 世代历期 内禀增长率 |
英文关键词:Insect resistance relative fitness net reproductive rate generation duration intrinsic growth rate |
基金项目:广东省高等学校高层次人才项目(粤财教\[2013\]246号) |
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中文摘要: |
相对适合度(Relative fitness)是衡量害虫抗药性种群生物学变化的重要指标,用于测度昆虫对杀虫剂的适应性,由抗药性种群和敏感种群净增殖率(R0)相除获得。本文在对多种昆虫抗药性种群相对适合度研究实例分析中发现抗药性昆虫除了后代数量发生变化外,发育时间(如世代历期)也可能会发生变化。因此,提出了基于净增殖率-世代历期(T)、内禀增长率(rm)的2个相对适合度指标模型Rf=(R 0R/TR)/(ROS/TS)、Rf=rmR /rmS。应用该方法对多个研究实例进行计算,基于净增殖率-世代历期的模型获得的相对适合度值与原模型值相比无显著差异,基于内禀增长率的模型计算出的相对适合度值一般高于原模型值;三个指标之间均极显著相关。改进后的适合度指标包含了抗药性种群发育时间、后代数量或者增殖潜力参数,因此,其结果更具科学性。 |
英文摘要: |
Relative fitness is an important index to evaluate the population biological changes of pest resistant strains, which is used to measure the adaptability of insects to pesticides, and it is calculated through the net reproductive rate (R0) of resistant populations divided by the net reproductive rate of susceptible populations. Through analyzing some case studies of relative fitness in different resistant populations, we found that the lifespan might also change besides the number of offspring in resistant populations. Therefore, we proposed two new calculation models Rf=(R 0R/TR)/(ROS/TS)、Rf=rmR /rmS for relative fitness based on the net reproductive rate-generation developmental duration (T), the intrinsic growth rate (rm), respectively. The relative fitness values, which were calculated by the new calculation model (which based on the net reproductive rate-generation developmental duration) didn’t show significantly differences with those obtained from the traditional model, but the relative fitness value's calculated by another new calculation model (which base on rm ) were generally higher than the original model values. There were extremely significant correlations among those three indices. These improved models, including the development time insecticide, the number of offspring or the parameters of proliferation potential, make the results of relative fitness more scientific and reasonable. |
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