Distribution of oviposition site of Batocera lineolata on Populus spp. and Juglans regis
中文关键词:  云斑天牛  杨树  核桃树  产卵刻槽  寄主胸径
英文关键词:Batocera lineolata Chevrolat  Populus spp.  Juglans regis  oviposition site  DBH
基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合 NY[2014]3022号);贵州省林业科研项目(黔林科合[2014]12号)
Author NameAffiliation
SITU Chun-Nan1, WANG Jian1, LU Ji-Fang1*, FU Fu-Yong1,ZHAN Man-Kui1,CAI Jing-Yun1, YANG Yuan-Liang2 (1. Zunyi Institute of Forestry, Zunyi 563002, Guizhou Province, China
2. Chongqing Academy of Forestry, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology Protection and Restoration in the Three Gorges Area, Chongqing 400036, China) 
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      To ascertain the differences of oviposition pattern of Batocera lineolata adult on Populus spp. and Juglans regis, spawning patterns of adult on two host trees were obtained by regular investigation in 2013. Eggs were oviposited in phloem or xylem by encircling the trunk on Populus spp., but inner the bark crack along the trunk on J. regis. The number of oviposition site decreased with the increase of tree height of both two host plants, but there were no significant difference in height (df=2,6,F=0.866;df=2,15,F=0.071) and direction (F1=0.691;F2=0.646;F3=0.994). In addition, the relationship between host tree DBH and oviposition site was surveyed, the result showed that the number of oviposition site wouldn’t increase with the host tree DBH. The study will provide theoretical basis for further improve the biological characteristics of B. lineolata.
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