官莉莉,李琨渊,张全洪,吴锡豪,赵丹阳,高成龙,扈丽丽,黄华毅,崔高峰,黄咏槐,陈刘生,2024,黄桐重大害虫大燕蛾形态及生物学特性[J].环境昆虫学报,(6):1524-1532 |
黄桐重大害虫大燕蛾形态及生物学特性 |
Morphological and biological characteristics of Lyssa zampa (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae), a major pest of Endospermum chinense |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 大燕蛾 黄桐 生物学特性 发生情况 |
英文关键词:Lyssa zampa Endospermum chinense biological characteristics occurrence |
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目(2023KJCX022) |
摘要点击次数: 10 |
全文下载次数: 7 |
中文摘要: |
近年来,大燕蛾Lyssa zampa在广东部分地区黄桐林爆发,将叶片取食殆尽,只剩下光秃秃的枝干。为了提高大燕蛾野外识别及监测水平,本研究开展了其形态特征和生物学特性观察。结果表明:大燕蛾在广东3~4代/年,幼虫共5龄,以蛹越冬,成虫次年3月始见,羽化高峰期在4月份。幼虫发生高峰期分别在4月中下旬、6月中下旬、8月中下旬和10月中下旬。本研究对大燕蛾各虫态进行了详细描述,提供了图片和末龄幼虫性别鉴定特征,并记述了其生物学特性。 |
英文摘要: |
In recent years, the leaves of Endospermum chinense were eaten up by Lyssa zampa in Guangdong, leaving only bare branches. In order to improve the level of field identification and prediction, the morphological and biological characteristics of L. zampa were observed. The results showed that L. zampa in Guangdong 3~4 generations/year, larvae of L. zampa had 5 instars, overwinter by pupae, adults appeared in next March, emergence peak in April. The larvae peaked in mid-late April, mid-late June, mid-late August and mid-late October, respectively.The morphology of the states were described in detail, and the morphological photos were illustrated, as well as the methods of sex identification of the last instar larvae were compared. Its biological characteristics were described. |
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