Effects of stand and landscape level factors on the occurrence of pine wilt disease-a case study of pine forest in Weihai, Shandong Province
中文关键词:  松材线虫病  林分因子  景观因子  最适尺度  广义线性模型
英文关键词:Pine wilt disease  stand factor  landscape factor  optimal scale  generalized linear model
李好男,俞琳锋,詹钟易,迟世宽,任利利,骆有庆 1. 北京林业大学林木有害生物防治北京市重点实验室北京 1000832. 威海市林业局山东威海 264200 
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      松材线虫病(Pine wilt disease)传入我国以来,造成了大面积松林枯死,严重威胁我国的林业和生态建设的发展,但目前分析林分和景观水平因子对松材线虫病综合影响的研究较少。本文基于松材线虫病危害后期的山东威海地区的松林,利用野外调查数据、森林资源二类调查数据和高分辨率遥感影像,获取了影响松材线虫病危害的林分水平和景观水平的各种因子,通过逐步回归分析、线性回归分析和建立广义线性模型(GLM),探讨了景观分析的最适尺度,分析不同因子在解释松材线虫病危害程度方面的作用和相对重要性,以期为松材线虫病的防控技术及宏观管理政策制定提供科学依据。结果显示,750 m尺度下景观格局指数对松材线虫病发病率的解释效果最好。景观因子中,距疫源地距离、景观分离度与距人为活动区域距离对发病率影响最显著(相对重要性值为1.00),其中景观分离度和距疫源地距离与发病率呈负相关,距人为活动区域距离与发病率呈正相关;松林斑块连接度的相对重要性次之(相对重要性值为0.69),与发病率呈正相关;斑块丰富度密度、相关外接圆指数的相对重要性值较低(0.33)。林分因子中,林分密度的相对重要性值最低(0.23)。综合分析林分因子和景观因子的作用发现,在威海地区松材线虫病暴发后期的林分中,相较于林分因子,景观因子起主导作用。研究结果有助于提高对松材线虫病发生的驱动机制的了解。
      Since pine wilt disease was introduced into China, it has caused a large area of pine forests to wither and die, which seriously threatens the safety and development of China's forestry resources. However, there are few studies on the comprehensive effects of stand and landscape level factors on pine wilt disease.In this paper, based on the pine forest in Weihai area of Shandong Province in the late stage of Pine wilt disease, various factors affecting the damage of pine wilt disease at the stand level and landscape level were obtained by using field survey data, second-class survey data of forest resources and high-resolution remote sensing images, through stepwise regression analysis, linear regression analysis and generalized linear model (GLM), the optimal scale of landscape analysis was discussed, the roles and relative importance of different factors in explaining the damage degree of pine wilt disease were analyzed, in order to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control technology of pine wilt disease and the formulation of macro-management policies. The results showed that the landscape pattern index at 750 m scale had the best interpretation effect on the incidence of pine wilt disease. Among the landscape factors, the distance from the epidemic focus, landscape separation and distance from the human activity area had the most significant effects on morbidity (relative importance value was 1.00). Landscape separation and distance from the epidemic focus were negatively correlated with the incidence, while distance from the human activity area was positively correlated with the incidence; The relative importance of patch connectivity in pine forest was second (the relative importance value was 0.69), which was positively correlated with the incidence; The relative importance values of patch richness density and related peripheral circle index were lower (0.33). Among the stand factors, the relative importance value of stand density was the lowest (0.23). A comprehensive analysis of the effects of forest and landscape factors showed that, compared with stand factors, landscape factors played a leading role in the later stage of pine wilt disease outbreak in Weihai area.The results contribute to the understanding of the driving mechanism of Pine wilt disease.
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