Diversity of pollinating insects of early spring nectar plants in Northeast China
中文关键词:  蜜源植物  传粉昆虫  多样性  早春
英文关键词:Nectar plant  pollinator  diversity  early spring
李剑飞,庄明亮,兰凤明,葛蓬,王志,王进州,杨春红,李志勇 吉林省养蜂科学研究所吉林 132108 
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      为了揭示蜜源植物与传粉昆虫的关系,科学的保护和利用传粉昆虫资源,本研究选取东北地区早春常见蜜源植物柳树Salix、延胡索Corydalis和银莲花Anemone为研究对象,对其传粉昆虫种类和访花行为进行调查,分析不同蜜源植物的传粉昆虫种类、优势类群、多样性和访花行为。结果表明:东北地区早春蜜源植物传粉昆虫共采集726头,隶属于5目14科53种,其中膜翅目4科35种,双翅目5科13种,鳞翅目3科3种,同翅目1科 1种,鞘翅目1科1种。柳树的优势传粉昆虫为蜂类,延胡索的优势传粉昆虫为熊蜂类,银莲花的优势传粉昆虫为蝇类。延胡索的传粉昆虫多样性、均匀度和丰富度均最高。蜜蜂对柳树单位时间内访花次数和单花停留时间最高,为94.33次和18.90 s。熊蜂对延胡索单位时间内访花次数和单花停留时间最高,为76.42次和15.37 s,熊蜂在采集延胡索花时有明显的盗蜜行为,该行为有利于其它传粉昆虫生存。东北地区保护生物多样性和传粉昆虫资源,应结合蜜源植物保护,可在早春时期补种柳树、延胡索和银莲花,并合理搭配,为传粉昆虫提供良好食物源和栖息地。
      In order to reveal the relationship between nectar plants and pollinators, and protect and utilize pollinator resources scientifically. In this study, Salix, Corydalis and Anemone, the common nectar source plants in early spring in Northeast China, were selected as the research objects to investigate their pollination insect species and flower visiting behavior, and analyze the pollination insect species, dominant groups, diversity and flower visiting behavior of different nectar source plants. The results showed that a total of 726 pollinating insects were collected from early spring nectar plants in Northeast China, belonging to 53 species, 14 families, and 5 orders, belonging to 53 species, 14 families, and 5 orders. Among them, there were 35 species in 4 families of Hymenoptera, 13 species in 5 families of Diptera, 3 species in 3 families of Lepidoptera, 1 species in 1 family of Homoptera, and 1 species in 1 family of Coleoptera. The results showed that the dominant pollinating insects of Salix were Apoidea, the dominant pollinating insects of Corydalis were Bumble, and the dominant pollinating insects of Anemone were Diptera. The diversity, evenness and abundance of Corydalis were the highest. Bees had the highest frequency of visiting Salix and staying time per flower, at 94.33 times and 18.90 seconds, respectively. Bombus had the highest frequency of visiting Corydalis and staying time per flower, at 94.33 times and 18.90 seconds, respectively. Bumbus had obvious honey stealing behavior when collecting Corydalis flowers. This behavior was conducive to the survival of other pollinating insects. In order to protect biodiversity and pollinating insect resources in Northeast China, we should combine the protection of nectar plants, replanting Salix, Corydalis and Anemone in early spring, and reasonably matching them to provide good food source and habitat for pollinating insects.
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