Contributions to the species diversity of Meloidae (Coleoptera∶Tenebrionoidea) from Qinghai-Xizang Plateau: From 1840 to the present
中文关键词:  芫菁  青藏高原  研究史  起源与分化  资源利用
英文关键词:Blister beetles  Tibetan Plateau  research history  origin and divergence  resource utilization
潘昭,任国栋 河北大学生命科学学院河北省动物系统学与应用重点实验室河北大学生命科学与绿色发展研究院河北保定 071002 
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      芫菁科(鞘翅目:拟步甲总科)昆虫因其复变态发育和药用价值而长期受到人们关注,世界已知3亚科133属近3 000种(亚种),中国记录2亚科27属近200种(亚种)。青藏高原幅员辽阔,因其复杂的地形地貌和气候特征,蕴含着较为丰富的芫菁科昆虫物种资源。迄今,青藏高原共记录芫菁2亚科5族13属105种(亚种),其中模式产地在该地区的有66种(亚种)。本文以在青藏高原开展的主要昆虫考察活动为线索,回顾了该地区芫菁的发现和认知历史,并对其后续研究方向进行了展望,以期通过更加彻底的考察、物种起源和分化研究以及在资源开发方面的尝试,实现青藏高原芫菁种质资源从认知到利用的转化。
      The Meloidae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea) is always a concern for its hypermetamorphic development and medicinal value. It is a highly diverse family, 3 subfamilies are recognized and nearly 3 000 species/subspecies assigned to 133 genera have been described, of these, only 2 subfamilies, 27 genera containing nearly 200 species/subspecies have been recorded from China. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau boasts a vast territory, with complicated terrain and climate, rich in species resources of Meloidae. Currently, 105 species/subspecies belonging to 13 genera, 5 tribes, 2 subfamilies have been reported from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Among them, the type localities of 66 species/subspecies are located in this region. The present paper was organized according to the important expeditions of insects on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. In this paper, the cognition history of meloid species diversity from the Plateau was retrospected, and the future research directions were also discussed. To realize the transformation from cognition to utilization of the meloid species resource from the Plateau, thorough expeditions should be organized, the species origin and divergence should be analyzed, and development and utilization methods of blister beetles should be attempted in the future.
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