Study on floral visitation behavior and pollen-carrying features of Chinese honey bee, Apis cerana cerana in the authentic production area of Amomum villosum
中文关键词:  阳春砂仁  道地产区  中华蜜蜂  采集行为  携粉特征
英文关键词:Amomum villosum Lour.  authentic production area  Apis cerana cerana Fabr.  foraging behavior  pollen-carrying features  pollinating insects
李文峰,彭烨华,张祎,刘娓,罗佳敏,李志刚 1. 广东省科学院动物研究所广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 5102602. 福建农林大学动物科学学院(蜂学学院)福建福州 3500023. 广东药科大学中药资源学院广东云浮 527527 
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      作为我国四大南药之一,阳春砂仁Amomum villosum Lour.具有多重功效和悠久的应用历史。阳春砂仁的道地产区为广东省阳春市及周边地区。长久以来,受制于野生优势传粉昆虫资源匮乏,道地产区阳春砂仁自然结实率低、产量低,已严重影响到当地相关产业可持续发展。本研究观察道地产区阳春砂仁的开花过程及花朵形态,记录访花昆虫种类,并着重分析了中华蜜蜂的访花行为特点和传粉潜能。观察发现,阳春砂仁花朵形态特征不利于自花传粉及一般昆虫传粉,但其花朵散粉量和泌蜜量均较大而有利于吸引昆虫传粉。本研究共调查到4种访花昆虫,分别为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana Fabr.、黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabr.、果蝇1种Drosophila sp.和欧洲球螋Forficula auricularia L.,其中,中华蜜蜂是主要访花昆虫。中华蜜蜂存在采粉和采蜜两种采集行为,且存在显著偏好性,其更频繁采集砂仁花蜜(平均占比77.4%),而不是花粉(平均占比22.6%),采粉行为具有潜在传粉功能,而采蜜行为则不具有传粉作用。另外,中华蜜蜂虫体各部位在采集过程中都可能携带花粉,但不同部位携带花粉量不同。中华蜜蜂是道地产区阳春砂仁的主要传粉昆虫,但其采集偏好性降低了对阳春砂仁的传粉效能,通过一定措施提高其采粉行为比率,将可能提高中华蜜蜂对道地产区阳春砂仁的授粉效能。
      As one of the four major southern medicinal herbs in China, Amomum villosum Lour. possesses multiple medicinal properties and has a long history of usage. The authentic production area for A. villosum is Yangchun City and its surrounding regions in Guangdong Province. For a long time, due to the scarcity of pollinating insects in the wild, the natural fruit set rate of A. villosum in the authentic production area has been low, leading to low yields. This has seriously affected the sustainable development of related industries in the local area. This study first conducted observations on the flowering and floral morphology of A. villosum in its authentic production area. Secondly, a survey of pollinating insect resources was carried out. Finally, particular emphasis was placed on analyzing the foraging preference and pollination potential of the Chinese honeybee, Apis cerana cerana Fabr. Observations revealed that on one hand, the floral characteristics of A. villosum were not conducive to self-pollination and general insect pollination. However, on the other hand, the flowers had a large quantity of pollen dispersion and nectar secretion, which were favorable for attracting insect pollinators. Through the investigation, a total of three flower-visiting insects were identified: A. cerana cerana Fabr., Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabr., Drosophila sp. and Forficula auricularia L. Among these, A. cerana cerana was the primary flower-visiting insect. The behavioral observations indicated that the pollen-foraging behavior of A. cerana cerana potentially facilitated pollination for A. villosum, while their honey collection behavior did not contribute to pollination. However, A. cerana cerana exhibited a significant preference in its foraging behavior— the bees more frequently collected nectar (average proportion of 77.4%), rather than pollen (average proportion of 22.6%). Additionally, various parts of the Chinese honeybee's body could carry pollen when foraging, but the amount of pollen carried differed among different body parts. In summary, the Chinese honeybee was the primary pollinating insect for A. villosum in its authentic production area. However, its foraging preference reduces the pollination efficiency. Therefore, in the future, by altering the foraging preference of Chinese honeybees and increasing the ratio of pollen-foraging behavior, it may be possible to enhance the pollination efficiency of Chinese honeybees for A. villosum.
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