A simple method for distinguishing sex of Pieris rapae (L.) larva, pupa and adult.
中文关键词:  菜粉蝶  性别鉴别  形态学特征
英文关键词:Pieris rapae  sex-identification  morphological character
刘丹,吕治燊,马力,王荣,郝赤,闫喜中 山西农业大学植物保护学院太谷030801 
摘要点击次数: 25
全文下载次数: 37
      Sexual dimorphism of different insect states of Pieris rapae were observed using microscope. Sexually dimorphic characteristics of larvae, pupae and adults were obvious. Male larvae after the 3rd instar had a pair of renal black spots on the 6th abdominal segment, which were absent in female larvae. The 9th abdominal segment of male pupa had a genital pore and a short longitudinal crack, both sides of which have uneven semicircular tumor-like protrusions; The 8th and 9th abdominal segments of the female pupa had genital and oviposit pores, respectively, and a longitudinal crack connected the two pores. There was a pair of black round spots arranged up and down on the back of the female forewing, and abdominal terminal external genitalia was cylindrical. However, in adult males, the black spots were relatively small in size and light in color, especially the lower spot was light gray, the external genitalia was pincer-shaped. Sexually dimorphic features of different insect states of P. rapae can be rapidly and reliably sexed.
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