Identification of cuticular volatiles and chemical defense components of burrower bug in the red imported fire ant nest
中文关键词:  红火蚁:土蝽  挥发性成分  化学防御
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta  burrower bug  volatile components  chemical defense
石庆型,胡德亮,陈婷,陈洁,关子盈,陆嘉进,齐国君 1.广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所/广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室广州 5106402. 东莞市石龙镇农业技术服务中心广东东莞 523320 
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      红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren对入侵其蚁巢的其他昆虫具有强烈的攻击性,然而时常发现嗜蚁土蝽Macroscytus sp. 成虫在红火蚁蚁巢内活动。为了明确嗜蚁土蝽成功“寄生”红火蚁蚁巢的化学机制,本研究利用GC-MS技术分析嗜蚁土蝽的表皮挥发性成分,并选取tridecane等4种主要成分对红火蚁工蚁进行触杀和熏蒸毒力测定。结果表明嗜蚁土蝽虫体挥发物共有10种化合物,包括3种醛类、3种酯类、3种正构烷烃和1种醇类,其中tridecane和(E)-2-decenyl acetate是主要成分,其相对含量为54.12%和19.32%。土蝽挥发性成分中(E)-2-decenal和(E)-2-decenyl acetate对红火蚁工蚁具有较强的触杀毒力,仅(E)-2-decenal对红火蚁表现出一定的熏蒸效果。本研究证实了嗜蚁土蝽虫体挥发性成分对红火蚁具有较强的化学防御能力,可能是其能成功寄生在红火蚁巢内的原因之一。
      The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, exhibits aggressive behavior towards insects that invaded its nest. However, the burrower bug Macroscytus sp. adult is frequently observed within the fire ant nest. To understand the chemical mechanism of parasitism of the fire ant nest by the burrower bug, the cuticular volatile components of the burrower bug were identified using GC-MS technology. Contact and fumigation toxicity against the red imported fire ant workers were evaluated using four components including tridecane, (E)-2-decenyl acetate, (E)-2-hexanal and (E)-2-decenal. The results revealed that totally 10 compounds were identified from cuticular volatiles of the burrower bug, including 3 aldehydes, 3 esters, 3 normal alkanes, and 1 alcohol. Among them, tridecane and (E)-2-decenyl acetate were the main components, with relative contents of 54.12% and 19.32%, respectively. Among these four tested compounds, (E)-2-decenal and (E)-2-decenyl acetate showed strong contact toxicity against the red imported fire ant workers, while only (E)-2-decenal demonstrated a fumigation effect. This study confirmed that the volatile components of the burrower bug had a strong chemical defense ability against the red imported fire ant, which may be one of the reasons why it can successfully parasitize in the fire ant nest.
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