Life cycle and other biological characteristics of Tetrix japonica
中文关键词:  日本蚱  生活史  生物学特性  多态现象
英文关键词:Tetrix japonica  life cycle  biological characteristics  polymorphism
张荣娇,王缉广,黄丹玲,邓维安 1. 河池学院化学与生物工程学院广西宜州 5463002. 广西师范大学生命科学学院珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室广西珍稀濒危动物生态重点实验室广西桂林 541006 
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      日本蚱Tetrix japonica是一种广布于东亚地区的直翅目昆虫。本文通过野外观察与室内饲养相结合的方法,研究了日本蚱的卵块和各虫龄的形态特征、生活史、若虫及成虫的主要生活习性。结果表明:日本蚱喜欢栖息于具苔藓的矮草地表,主要取食幼嫩苔藓及腐殖质;在羽化7 d后开始出现交配现象,交配时间为1~1.5 h;交配后1~3 d内将大米粒状卵粒产于苔藓泥土中,卵块的形状近似橘瓣状,卵粒数目通常为10~30粒;卵经过6~10 d可孵化为若虫;雄性共有6龄,雌性共有7龄,每个虫龄历期随虫龄的增长而增加;不同虫龄的日本蚱在形态上具有一定的差异。此外,研究还发现日本蚱的前胸背板与翅型存在多态现象,可能在进化适应中起重要作用。
      Tetrix japonica is a kind of Orthoptera insect widely distributed in East Asia. Morphological characteristics, life cycle, and behavioral features of nymphs and adult of T. japonica were observed through field observation and indoor rearing. The results showed that T. japonica inhabits on the low grassland with moss, and its main food was tender moss and humus; usually mating behavior occurs 7 days after emerging and lasts for 1 to 1.5 hours; an ovipositing gesture initiates 1~3 days after the copulating; egg was riziform and laid under the moss soil in egg mass like a tangerine section containing 10 to 30 eggs. Nymphs can be hatched within 6~10 days and the male and female nymphs and adult consist of 6 and 7 instars, respectively. The stadium of each instar increases with the increase of instars. There are some differences in morphology among different instars. Moreover, we found that the pronotum and wing morphs of T. japonica exhibit polymorphism which may play an important role in evolutionary adaptation.
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