Research progress on mite cold tolerance and its mechanism
中文关键词:  低温耐受性  过冷却点  冷驯化  低温保护物质
英文关键词:Cold tolerance  supercooling point  cold acclimation  cryoprotective compounds
唐思琼,梁馨亓,苏杰,张建萍 石河子大学农学院新疆绿洲农业病虫害治理与植保资源利用重点实验室新疆石河子 832000 
摘要点击次数: 258
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      Cold tolerance greatly influences the overwintering survival and distribution of mites. The major indicators of cold tolerance for mites are the supercooling point and lethal temperature and time under low temperature. Cold tolerance of mite is plastic, which is affected by developmental stage, diapause, seasonal changes, and cold acclimation. However, the change of cold tolerance involves the complex changes of molecular level and the physiology-biochemical substance. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the biological indicators for evaluating the cold tolerance of mites and the factors affecting the cold tolerance of mites. Then, it summarizes the physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms relate to the change of mite's cold tolerance. Furthermore, the problems that need to be further studied were discussed, and the ecological significance of the study on mite cold tolerance was prospected. It is expected to provide the reference for the deep study of mite cold tolerance, thus promoting the integrated control of harmful mites and the utilization of predatory mites.
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