Advances in taxonomy of Chinese Rutelinae
中文关键词:  丽金龟  分类  系统发育  进展
英文关键词:Rutelinae  taxonomy  phylogeny  advances
路园园,丁强,杨星科,白明 1. 中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统学院重点实验室北京 1001012. 中国科学院大学北京 1000493. 广东省科学院动物研究所广州 510260 
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      丽金龟亚科Rutelinae隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera多食亚目Polyphaga金龟总科Scarabaeoidea金龟科Scarabaeidae。世界性分布,全世界已知7族235属4 200余种,中国目前记录3族25属(亚属),共526种(亚种)。丽金龟成虫为植食性,可取食植物范围广,幼虫土栖,主要取食植物根部,部分种类是农林业害虫。因此,对其开展分类学研究,对农林业生产具有理论意义。本文通过全面核查文献及统计分析,回顾和总结了丽金龟亚科分类学研究历史,并重点介绍了我国的研究现状。目前已开展的丽金龟亚科研究工作仍以新种发表为主,缺乏高质量的分类修订工作及系统发育研究。另外,丽金龟亚科是鞘翅目中重要的植食性昆虫之一,开展深入的生物多样性研究,对于探讨甲虫的多样性和与植物协同进化关系有重要意义。
      Rutelinae is a subfamily of Scarabaeidae belonging to Scarabaeoidea of the order Coleoptera (beetles). The subfamily Rutelinae is composed of approximately 7 tribes, 235 genera and 4 200 species that are distributed worldwide. Now 3 tribes, 25 genera and 526 species are recorded in China. Adults are phytophagous and feed on leaves, flowers, or flower parts. Larvae are soil-dwelling and most species feed on roots. Therefore, many species are pests in agroforestry. The taxonomic and systematic study on Rutelinae and precise species identification of this subfamily are of significant agroforestry importance. Here by comprehensively summarizing the literatures, we revised the history of taxonomic research on this subfamily, and more focused on the status of China. We found until now, most of research on Rutelinae focused on new species description. There were short of revisionary work and phylogenic study. Moreover, as the one of most important phytophagous beetles, the study of biodiversity on Rutelinae would provide constructive information on diversity of beetles and the co-evolutionary relationship between beetles and plants.
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