Adaptability of Trialeurodes vaporariorum to three important host plants based on the age-stage two-sex life table
中文关键词:  温室白粉虱  番茄  雪莲果  烟草  年龄-阶段两性生命表
英文关键词:Trialeurodes vaporariorum  tomato  yacon  tobacco  age-stage two-sex life table
朱琳,陈永明,臧连生 1. 吉林农业大学生物防治研究所长春 130118
2. 贵州大学绿色农药与农业生物工程教育部重点实验室贵阳 550025 
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      温室白粉虱 Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)是农业生产中的一种世界性害虫,可同时在露地和保护地作物造成危害。番茄 Lycopersicon esculentum (Miller)、烟草 Nicotiana tabacum L.和雪莲果 Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poeppig & Endlicher)为温室白粉虱的重要寄主植物,而烟草和雪莲果都是大量繁育丽蚜小蜂 Encarisa formosa 等天敌的优势中间寄主植物。本文基于年龄-阶段两性生命表,研究温室白粉虱对3种寄主植物的适应性。结果表明:雪莲果上粉虱2龄、3龄若虫和雄成虫前期发育的历期最短,个体繁殖力最高(169.50粒/雌),净增殖率最高(R0=80.71粒);烟草上粉虱2龄、3龄和雄成虫前期发育历期最长,个体繁殖力(126.68粒/雌)和净增殖率(R0=57.31粒)最低。内禀增长率和周限增长率在雪莲果(r=0.1434 d-1、 λ=1.1301 d-1)和番茄(r =0.1452 d-1、 λ=1.1562 d-1)上无显著差异,但在烟草上(r=0.1226 d-1、 λ =1.1301 d-1)显著低于二者。研究结果表明温室白粉虱在3种寄主植物上都有很好的适应性,其中在雪莲果上的生物学特性参数最好,其次为番茄,再次为烟草。
      Greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), is a worldwide pest of agricultural production that can cause damage to open and protected field crop. Tomato, tobacco and yacon are important host plants of T. vaporariorum. Both tobacco and yacon were the dominant intermediate host plants for rearing whitefly parasitoids such as Encarsia formosa. Based on the age-stage two-sex life table, we studied the adaptability of T. vaporariorum to three host plants. The results showed that the second-instar nymphs, third-instar nymphs and pre-adult of males on yacon had the shortest development duration, the highest fecundity (169.50 eggs/female) and the highest net reproduction rate (R0=80.71 eggs/individual). While the second-instar nymphs, third-instar nymphs and pre-adult of males on tobacco had the longest development duration, fecundity (126.68 eggs/female), and net reproduction rate (R0=57.31 eggs/individual) were lowest. There was no significant difference in intrinsic rate of increase and finite rate of increase between yacon (r =0.1434 d^-1, λ =1.1301 d^-1) and tomato (r=0.1452 d^-1, λ=1.1562 d^-1), but significantly higher than those on tobacco (r=0.1226 d^-1, λ =1.1301 d^-1). The results showed that T. vaporariorum had good adaptability on three host plants, and exhibited best biological characteristic parameters on yacon, followed by on tomato and tobacco.
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