Effect of different feeding methods on the growth performance of black soldier fly,Hermetia illucens(Diptera: Strationyidae)
中文关键词:  黑水虻  投料方式  多次投料  幼虫  生长性能
英文关键词:Black soldier fly  feeding methods  multiple feeding  larvae  growth performance
沈礼晨,叶小梅,孔祥平,王聪,王莉,奚永兰,韩挺,张应鹏,李福鹏,朱飞,杜静 1. 江苏大学农业工程学院江苏镇江 2120132. 江苏省农业科学院畜牧研究所农业农村部种养结合重点实验室农业农村部农村可再生能源开发利用华东科学观测实验站江苏省有机固体废弃物资源化协同创新中心南京 210014 
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      以获得黑水虻Hermetia illucens转化有机废弃物的养殖投喂工艺参数为目标,采用实验室小试模拟试验,以餐厨垃圾为试验原料,研究不同投料方式(1次、2次、3次和4次投料)对黑水虻转化餐厨垃圾过程中幼虫生长性能的影响。结果表明,采用多次投料方式,随着投料次数增加,对转化物料料温波动影响较大,不利于幼虫快速生长;在投虫量和投料量相同条件下,养殖周期为10 d,其中以1次投料处理组的收虫体重、体长、单位面积虫产量为最高,料虫比为最低,与2次投料差异不显著(P>0.05),但与3次、4次投料处理组差异显著(P<0.05);黑水虻转化废弃物前期较低的物料含水率更加有利于虫体生长,而后期物料含水率较高则更为有利。通过生产性能分析发现,从投料回报效果角度考虑生产性能以1次投料为最佳,而从高效率处理餐厨垃圾和投料回报效果两者角度综合分析,生产性能以2次投料为最佳。该结果可为构建黑水虻转化餐厨垃圾标准化生产工艺参数技术体系奠定基础。
      The effect of various feeding methods(1, 2, 3 and 4 times) on the larvae growth performance during the transformation of black solider fly was evaluated using laboratory simulation tests and kitchen waste as the raw material to determine the breeding process optimization parameters for black solider fly into organic waste. The results revealed that as the feeding times increased, the temperature variation of the changed material was considerably affected, which was detrimental for larval growth. The breeding period was 10 days, during which the yield per unit area was maximum and the feed ratio was lowest(P>0.05), although the difference was significant(P<0.05) under the same feeding quantity of larvae and kitchen garbage. The earlier stage of the low material's moisture content was more advantageous to the formation of the insect body, but the later stage of the high material’s moisture content was more favorable. From the perspective of material feeding return benefits, the production performance was best with one feeding time, whereas the best production performance was two feeding times taking into account the large amount of kitchen waste treatment and good feeding return effect comprehensive analysis. The result could be used to build a standardized production technical parameter system for the transformation of kitchen trash by black soldier fly.
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