Diversity analysis of endophytic bacteria in different host plants of western flower thrips
中文关键词:  西花蓟马  内生细菌  寄主植物  多样性  高通量测序
英文关键词:Frankliniella occidentalis  endophytic bacteria  host plant  diversity  high-throughput sequencing
方宇,王柄权,王启宇,胡骞予,吴治兴,杨敏,余磊,刘佳妮 昆明学院农学与生命科学学院/云南省都市特色农业工程技术研究中心昆明 650214 
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      为探讨不同寄主植物对西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis内生细菌分布的影响,应用Illumina MiSeq第二代测序技术对取食不同寄主植物的西花蓟马内生细菌的16S rDNA V5~V7区域进行测定。结果显示,Alpha多样性分析发现,西花蓟马内生细菌在取食不同寄主植物后多样性表现为西葫芦Cucurbita pepo L. >菊花Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvelev >曼陀罗Datura stramonium L. >玫瑰Rosa rugosa Thunb. >牵牛花Pharibitis purpurea (L.) Voigt >辣椒Capsicum annuum L.;在门水平的菌群组成上,变形菌门在各样品中所占比例最高,是西花蓟马内生菌中的优势菌门,厚壁菌门为次优势菌菌门。在属水平上内生细菌也表现出较大的差异,其中假单胞菌属Pseudomonas和欧文氏菌属Erwinia在西花蓟马取食各寄主植物时均有分布,取食辣椒、玫瑰、曼陀罗时,优势菌属均为欧文氏菌属Erwinia,取食菊花和牵牛花时,优势菌属为立克次体Rickettsia,而取食西葫芦时,则为短波毛单胞菌属Brevundimonas;利用KEGG数据库,对内生细菌进行基因功能预测分析发现,内生细菌群富集了高丰度的代谢功能基因,且主要集中于碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢以及能量代谢。综上所述取食不同寄主植物时西花蓟马内生细菌多样性与群落结构具有一定的差异,寄主植物可对西花蓟马内生细菌群落组成产生重要的影响;且各寄主植物上西花蓟马内生细菌基因功能主要集中在碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢和能量代谢。
      In order to investigate the effect of different host plants on the distribution of endophytic bacteria in Frankliniella occidentalis, the 16S rDNA V5~V7 region of endophytic bacteria in F. occidentalis fed on different host plants was determined by Illumina miseq second generation sequencing technology. Alpha diversity analysis showed that the diversity of endophytic bacteria of F. occidentalis on different host plants was as follows: Cucurbita pepo L.>Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvelev>Datura stramonium L. > Rosa rugosa Thunb.>Pharibitis purpurea (L.) Voigt>Capsicum annuum L.; At phylum level, proteus accounted for the highest proportion in each sample, and was the dominant phylum in the endophytic bacteria of F. occidentalis, while Firmicutes was the secondary dominant phylum. Endophytic bacteria also showed great differences at the genus level, among which Pseudomonas and Erwinia were distributed when F. occidentalis fed on various host plants. Erwinia was the dominant genus for Capsicum annuum L., Rosa rugosa Thunb. and Datura stramonium L., Rickettsia was the dominant species for Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvelev and Pharibitis purpurea (L.) Voigt, while Brevundimonas was the dominant species for Cucurbita pepo L.; Based on KEGG database, gene function of endophytic bacteria was predicted and analyzed. It was found that endophytic bacteria were rich in metabolic genes, and mainly concentrated in carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism and energy metabolism. In conclusion, the diversity and community structure of endophytic bacteria of F. occidentalis were different when feeding on different host plants. Host plants could have an important impact on the composition of endophytic bacterial community of F. occidentalis, and the gene functions of endophytic bacteria of F. occidentalis mainly focused on carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism and energy metabolism.
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