Effect of watermelon pollination in facilities by utilizing different pollination methods
中文关键词:  蜂王上颚腺信息素  意大利蜜蜂  采集活动  果实品质  设施作物  西瓜授粉
英文关键词:Queen mandibular pheromone  Apis mellifera  foraging activities  fruit quality  facility crops  watermelon pollination
张云毅,张旭凤,宋怀磊,郭宝贝,郭媛,武文卿 1. 山西农业大学(山西省农业科学院)园艺学院太原 0300312. 山西农业大学(山西省农业科学院)果树研究所山西晋中 030815 
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      为了探究不同方式组建授粉蜂群的授粉效率,利用意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂王上颚腺信息素(Queen mandibular pheromone, QMP)替代蜂群内的真正蜂王组建授粉蜂群给“日本新秀”西瓜授粉,比较有王群(Queenright)、无王群(Queenless)、假王群(QMP+queenless)和人工授粉(Hand pollinated)4种不同授粉方式对设施西瓜授粉后的产量、品质和蜂群采集活动及蜂群损失情况差异,以此验证利用蜂王上颚腺信息素替代蜂王组建蜂群为设施西瓜授粉的可行性。结果表明:假王群采集活动趋势可与有王群保持一致,两者蜂群损耗、出巢、回巢和带粉回巢的采集蜂数显著高于无王群;有王群和假王群授粉西瓜平均产量均显著高于无王群和人工授粉。有王群、假王群和无王群处理的西瓜果实种子饱子数均显著高于人工授粉。且有王群和假王群西瓜的可溶性固形物含量显著高于无王群和人工授粉处理。综上所述,使用蜂王上颚腺信息素替代蜂王组建小型授粉蜂群为设施西瓜授粉切实可行,该研究为设施作物授粉提供了新的思路和方法,也拓展了昆虫信息素在农业系统中的重要利用价值。
      To explore the pollination efficiency of different methods to organize pollinating bee coloines, watermelon ‘Japanese rookie’ and honey bees(Apis mellifera) were used as the test material and colony respecitvely, the queen mandibular pheromone(QMP) strip was used to replace the real queen to organize the bee colony for pollination, the impact and differences of yield and profit, fruit quality were measured via comparing the four different treatments for watermelon pollination: Queenright, Queenless, QMP+queenless, Hand pollinated, and the colony loss and the foraging activities of bee clonoies, such as the number of bees out of hive, back to hive and back to hive with pollen were also measured to verify the feasibility of the method to build colonies. The results suggested that QMP+queenless and queenright colonies could keep the trend of foraging activities consistently, which the number of forager bees out of hive, back to hive and back to hive with pollen were significantly higher than those of queenless colonies, there was no significant differences in the colony loss between queenright and QMP+queenless colonies, which were significantly lower than queenless colonies(P<0.05); The price of watermelon pollinated by honey bees was higher than that of hand pollination, the average yield and output value of queenright and QMP+queenless colonies were significantly higher than those of queenless colonies and hand pollination(P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the vertical diameter, fruit weight, number of bad seeds, total sugars and acids among four different treatments, but the number of full seeds of bee treatments were signifcantly higher than that of hand pollination, the total soluble solids of queenright and QMP+queenless colonies were significantly higher than that of queenless colonies and hand pollination(P<0.05). Overall, it is feasible to utilize QMP to replace queen to build the pint-sized colonies for watermelon pollination. Our research provides a novel method for the facility crops in the future, and also expands the vital utilization of insect pheromones in agriculture.
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