Study of darkling beetles damage in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and its surrounding areas
中文关键词:  莫高窟  昆虫危害  保存环境  监测防控  文物保护
英文关键词:Mogao Grottoes  insect hazard  preservation environment  monitoring and control  cultural relics conservation
朱非清,陈章,武发思,贺东鹏,李隆,陈海玲,丁淑君,汪万福 1. 敦煌研究院国家古代壁画与土遗址保护工程技术研究中心甘肃敦煌 7362002. 甘肃省敦煌文物保护研究中心甘肃敦煌 7362003. 兰州大学细胞活动与逆境适应教育部重点实验室兰州 7300004. 甘肃莫高窟文化遗产保护设计咨询有限公司甘肃敦煌 736200 
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      自2018年以来,每年春夏季在莫高窟窟区及周边荒漠都会出现大规模的拟步甲科昆虫活动,对壁画保存和游客参观造成了影响。为明确拟步甲虫害情况,采用样方法、陷阱法对该区域进行全面普查,以明确拟步甲虫害类型、分布、暴发特点以及对文化遗产的危害。结果表明,在莫高窟暴发的拟步甲科昆虫主要有4种:洛氏脊漠甲Pterocoma loczyi、克氏扁漠甲Sternotrigon kraatzi、三沟胸鳖甲Colposcelis trisulcata和光滑胖漠甲Trigonoscelis sublaevigata,优势种为洛氏脊漠甲。莫高窟约1/3的调查洞窟内有拟步甲活动,对起甲和酥碱壁画威胁较大;其主要取食白刺Nitraria tangutorum,危害荒漠植被。虫害暴发与区域降雨量增加和植物食源丰富相关;亟需采取有效防控措施,以确保文物及其赋存环境安全。本研究为莫高窟虫害的监测防治和文物保护提供了科学依据。
      Since 2018, there have been large-scale activities of darkling beetles in the Mogao Grottoes and the surrounding desert every spring and summer, which have some effects on the preservation of wall paintings and tourists′ visiting. In order to clarify the situation of darkling beetles, the quadrat method and trap method were used to conduct a comprehensive survey in this area, so as to make clear the types, distribution, outbreak characteristics of darkling beetle and their hazards to the cultural heritage. The results showed that there were four species of darkling beetles in Mogao Grottoes, which were identified as Pterocoma loczyi, Sternotrigon kraatzi, Colposcelis trisulcata and Trigonoscelis sublaevigata. The dominant species were Pterocoma loczyi. Approximately one-third of the caves had darkling beetles activity, which posed a greater threat to the wall paintings with flaking and salt efflorescence; it mainly fed on the Nitraria tangutorum, which harmed the desert vegetation. The pest outbreaks may associate with increased regional precipitation and abundant plant food sources; In order to protect the cultural heritage and its attached environment, some effective measures should be taken to prevent and control of darkling beetles. This study may provide a scientific basis for the monitoring and controlling of insect pests in Mogao Caves and the long-term protection of cultural heritage.
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