Research progress of Dryinidae for natural enemy of rice planthoppers
中文关键词:  稻飞虱  螯蜂  捕食  寄生  控害作用
英文关键词:Rice planthoppers  Dryinidae  predation  parasitism  control effect
马晓慧,邢亚楠,车喜庆,刘郁,于深州,桑海旭 辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所辽宁盘锦 124000 
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      稻飞虱(褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens、白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera、灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus)是世界性重要的水稻Oryza sativa L.害虫之一,给水稻生产造成了重大经济损失。化学防治一直是控制稻飞虱的主要途径,但长期使用化学药剂使稻飞虱产生抗药性,并引起害虫增殖等诸多弊端,迫切需要有效的生物防控手段进行控害。螯蜂是稻飞虱若虫和成虫期重要天敌,兼具捕食与寄生的双重习性,在控制稻飞虱种群数量方面发挥着重要的作用,然而,国内外有关螯蜂的研究报道仍然偏少。本文综述了我国稻飞虱天敌螯蜂常见种类、生物学特性、控害效果及其影响因子,分析了存在的问题,旨在为进一步开发利用螯蜂资源提供参考。
      Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera and Laodelphax striatellus) are the most significant rice pest in the world, which causes great economic losses to rice product. The major route of controlling rice planthoppers is chemical control. However, long-term use of chemical agents leads to many disadvantages such as resistance to rice planthopper and pest proliferation, so it is urgent for biological control technology to effectively control rice planthopper. Dryinidae is the important enemy of rice planthoppers in nymphal and adult stages. It has dual habits of predation and parasitism, and plays an important role in controlling the population of rice planthopper. However, research reports on Dryinidae are still sparse in home and abroad. Here we reviewed common species of Dryinidae for natural enemy of rice planthoppers in China, including biological characteristics, control effect and influence factors. We also pointed out the existing problems, aiming to provide reference value for the further development and utilization of Dryinidae.
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