Nesting biology of Osmia excavata Alfken (Hymenoptera:Megachilidae)
中文关键词:  凹唇壁蜂  生活史  筑巢行为  访花行为  寄生性天敌
英文关键词:Osmia excavata Alfken  life history  nesting behavior  pollination behavior  parasitic enemies
窦飞越,李红英,宋海涛,寇若玫,周泽扬,罗阿蓉,黄敦元 1. 重庆师范大学重庆市媒介昆虫重点实验室重庆 4013312. 中国科学院动物研究所动物进化和系统学重点实验室北京 1001013. 烟台必丰农业科技有限公司山东栖霞 265300 
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      凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是我国早春果园重要的野生传粉昆虫,具有重要的农业价值。本研究分别在山东烟台、江西赣州和重庆沙坪坝地区利用人工放养滞育状态下的凹唇壁蜂成虫,并通过野外观察和室内解剖该蜂的筑巢巢管,系统研究了该蜂的筑巢习性、访花行为、日活动规律和生活史等营巢生物学及相关生物学特性。结果表明:凹唇壁蜂的雌蜂偏好选择长度平均为121.86±48.44 mm,内径平均为8.01±1.42 mm的巢管筑巢。经室内解剖,该蜂的巢管结构主要包括前庭、虫室、间室和空室共四个部分,平均长度分别为18.24±7.24 mm, 12.84±2.72 mm, 20.92±8.88 mm, 11.64±5.39 mm。野外观察发现,该蜂在重庆沙坪坝地区1年发生1代,卵期3~4 d、幼虫期20~25 d、蛹期25~30 d,以滞育状态下的成虫在茧内越冬。翌年3月下旬成虫陆续破茧出巢,一般雄蜂较雌蜂早1~2 d出巢,雌蜂出巢后即可完成访花、交配、筑巢和产卵等行为。该蜂收集巢内杂物时间平均为38.73±19.75 s,出巢处理杂物时间平均为10.58±6.05 s,出巢收集泥团时间平均为67.33±21.32 s,筑巢时间平均为58.08±18.90 s,采集花(粉)蜜时间平均为371.00±152.06 s,携粉回巢滞留的时间平均为104.39±37.58 s。该蜂采集(粉)蜜源植物主要有苹果Malus pumila Mill、梨Pyurs spp.、樱桃Cerasus pseudocerasus、风轮菜Clinopodium chinens、女贞Ligustrum lucidume和酢浆草Oxalis corniculata等。本研究通过野外观察和人工巢管技术对凹唇壁蜂雌蜂日常活动行为及筑巢规律等生物学特性的观察,旨在明确该蜂的营巢习性以期为后续该蜂的规模化利用提供基本依据。
      Osmia excavata Alfken is an important wild pollinator for agriculture, being active in early spring orchards in China. In this study, O. excavata adults of diapause were artificially stocked in Yantai of Shangdong, Ganzhou of Jiangxi, and Shapingba of Chongqing. Via both field observation and indoor anatomy of the nest, we systematically studied the nesting biology and related biological characteristics such as nesting habits, life history and pollination behavior. Females from three regions preferred a nest tube with an average length of 121.86±48.44 mm and average inner diameter of 8.01±1.42 mm. According to indoor dissection and observation, nest consists of vestibular cell, brood cells, intercalary cell and empty cell, with mean length were 18.24±7.24 mm, 12.84±2.72 mm, 20.92±8.88 mm and 11.64±5.39 mm, respectively. O. excavata occured one generation a year in Shapingba of Chongqing, phases of the egg, pupae and larva were of 3~4 days, 20~25 days, and 25~30 days, respectively. And the diapaused adult overwinter in the cocoon and would begin to go out of its nest in late March of the next year, mainly including behaviors of mating, nesting, flower foraging and oviposition. Field observation showed that mean time for the bee collecting nesting debris was 38.73±19.75 s, mean time for dealing with debris of the nest was 10.58±6.05 s, mean time for collecting nesting material was 67.33±21.32 s, mean time for staying in the nest with materials was 58.08±18.90 s, mean time for collecting the pollen and nectar was 371.00±152.06 s, and mean time for staying in the nest with pollen and nectar was 104.39±37.58 s. Females mainly visited the plants of Malus pumila Mill, Pyurs spp., Cerasus pseudocerasus, Clinopodium chinens, Ligustrum lucidume, and Oxalis corniculate. In general, our study revealed the daily activity behavior and nesting habits of females by trap-nesting and field observation, aiming to clarify the nesting biology, in order to provide the basis for the future management, domestication and propagation of O. excavata Alfken.
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