Identification and genetic diversity analysis of Tachycines ( Gymnaeta )in some caves of Guizhou Province
中文关键词:  贵州  喀斯特洞穴  裸灶螽亚属  物种鉴定  物种遗传多样性  洞穴保护
英文关键词:Guizhou  karst cave  Tachycines ( Gymnaeta )  species identification  species genetic diversity  cave protection
吕小艳,李斌强,何诗远,何小涛,王野影 1. 贵州师范大学生命科学学院贵阳 550025
2. 贵州师范大学国家林业局西南喀斯特山地生物多样性保护重点实验室贵阳 550025 
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      贵州是中国具有丰富喀斯特洞穴生态系统的省份之一,裸灶螽作为洞穴中的优势物种又为生态环境指示种,其遗传多样性能够反应洞穴生物多样性。为评估洞穴开发对洞穴生物多样性的影响,本研究通过形态鉴定和分子辅助鉴定的方式对来自贵州省毕节、黔西南、铜仁和黔南4个地区8个洞穴97号裸灶螽标本进行鉴定,并对其遗传多样性进行分析。结果共鉴定出裸灶螽亚属 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta )的8个种和3个形态鉴定模棱两可的待定种,包括此次在贵州首次报道的伪裸灶螽 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) fallax 和洞穴裸灶螽 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) cavernus ;通过使用线粒体 COI 基因构建裸灶螽亚属的系统发育树,对待定种进行了辅助鉴定,认为洞穴裸灶螽 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) cavernus、 实心裸灶螽 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) solidus 和波氏裸灶螽 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) borutzkyi之间可能存在复合种;洞穴空间小和相对湿度低或人为活动干扰和洞穴开发情况严重会减少裸灶螽的数量和降低其遗传多样性。因此,建议对洞穴空间较大,物种较丰富的洞穴建立洞穴物种基因库,做到科学开发旅游资源,力争向生态科技旅游推进。
      Guizhou Province is one of the provinces with rich karst cave ecosystem in China. As indicator species of ecological environment, the species of Rhaphidophoridae are dominant cave insects. As the dominant species in the cave and the indicator species of ecological environment, the genetic diversity of Gymnaeta can reflect the biodiversity of caves. In order to evaluate the impact of cave development on the biodiversity of cave, the present study identified 97 specimens of Tachycines ( Gymnaeta )from eight caves in Bijie, Qianxinan, Tongren and Qiannan by morphological identification and molecular assisted identification, and analyzed their genetic diversity. Eight species of Tachycines ( Gymnaeta )and three undetermined species with ambiguous morphological identification were identified, including Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) fallax and Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) cavernus, which were first reported in Guizhou. By using mitochondrial COI gene to construct the phylogenetic tree of Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ), the indeterminate species were identified. It is suggested that there may be complex species among Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) cavernus, Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) solidus and Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) borutzkyi. Small cave space and low relative humidity, human disturbance and serious cave development will reduce the population and genetic diversity of Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ).Therefore, it is suggested to establish cave species gene bank for caves with large cave space and rich species, so as to develop tourism resources scientifically and promote ecological science and technology tourism.
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