Rapid identification and analysis of external morphological hermaphroditic characteristics of Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff pupae
中文关键词:  春尺蠖    形态特征  快速鉴别
英文关键词:Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff  pupae  morphological characteristics  rapid identification
闫振鹏,杨明禄,曹玉,王振,德力达·努尔巴哈提,肖海兵 塔里木大学植物科学学院/南疆农业有害生物综合治理兵团重点实验室/农业农村部阿拉尔作物有害生物科学观测实验站新疆阿拉尔市 843300 
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      为依据春尺蠖Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff蛹的形态特征快速、无损、准确鉴别雌雄个体,对其头部、胸部、腹部和体色外部鉴别特征进行了分析,并通过解剖生殖系统验证准确性。结果表明:以春尺蠖蛹的胸部和腹部特征识别雌雄准确率明显高于头部和体色特征,识别率可达100%。首先,雌蛹第8腹节腹板前缘中部具有“Y”型沟,与第7腹节腹板后缘形成倒三角状,而雄蛹无此特征。其次,雌蛹生殖孔与产卵孔连接形成裂缝,两侧平坦无突起,而雄蛹第9腹节腹板中央有一纵裂缝的生殖孔,两侧各有半圆状瘤状突起。最后,雌蛹的胸部背板各节间相对长度均小于雄蛹,而雄蛹中胸背板最宽,其后缘明显向外凸起。因此,春尺蠖蛹胸部或腹部特征可用于快速、准确地鉴别雌雄性别。
      In order to determine the rapid, nondestructive and accurate identification of male and female pupae of Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff pupae, external distinguishing features of head, thorax, abdomen and body colour of A. cinerarius pupae were analyzed, and the results of identification were verified by dissecting the reproductive system. The results showed that the accurate rate of distinguishing features of thorax and abdomen were obviously higher than that of head and body colour, which could reach 100%. Firstly, there was a Y-type sulcus in the middle of the 8th abdominal segment of female pupae, and the Y-type sulcus and the 7th abdominal segment trailing edge were combined to form an inverted triangle, but male pupae wasn't this characteristic. Secondly, there was a longitudinal suture gonopore in the middle of the 9th abdominal segment of male pupae, and the gonopore had a semicircular verrucae on each side, but the gonopore was connected with the oviposition aperture to form a suture with flat on both sides. Lastly, the relative length of each segment of thorax with tergum of male pupae was wider than that of female pupae, especially mesothorax with tergum of male pupae was the widest, and that of the trailing edge protrudes sharply outward. Therefore, the characteristics of thorax and abdomen of A. cinerarius pupae can quickly and accurately identified male and female pupae.
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