Preparation and properties of bifenthrin microcapsules for controlling termite
中文关键词:  联苯菊酯  微胶囊  白蚁  持效性
英文关键词:Bifenthrin  microcapsule  termite  long effective duration
马英剑,孙金诺,钱坤,徐维,吕培,冯建国 1.扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院江苏扬州 2250092.安徽农业大学资源与环境学院合肥230036 
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      针对白蚁防治药剂联苯菊酯传统加工剂型存在的安全性差、持效期短等缺点,采用溶剂蒸发法制备联苯菊酯微胶囊。通过粒径大小、外观形貌、包封率以及载药量筛选出最佳芯壁比、乳化剂用量和剪切时间,并对微胶囊理化特性及释放性能进行表征,同时考察微胶囊对白蚁的杀灭效果和持效性。研究结果表明,芯壁比为1∶1.5,乳化剂用量为7%,剪切时间为6 min时制备的联苯菊酯微胶囊粒径适中(97.6 μm),包封率高达70.5%,缓释性能良好,与市售乳油相比,对白蚁的杀灭效果相当,但持效性能优异。该研究获得的联苯菊酯微胶囊为安全、高效防治白蚁提供了技术手段。
      In view of poor safety and short duration of traditional formulations of bifenthrin for controling termite, the preparation technology of bifenthrin microcapsule by solvent evaporation method was explored. The optimal core-wall ratio, emulsifier dosage and shear time were screened by particle size, appearance, encapsulation rate and drug loading, and the physicochemical properties and release properties of the microcapsules were characterized. Meanwhile, the control efficiency and long effective duration of the microcapsules against termites were investigated. The results showed that the bifenthrin microcapsule was prepared with a core-wall ratio of 1∶1.5, an emulsifier of 7%, and a shear time of 6 min, which had a moderate particle size (97.6 μm), a encapsulation rate of up to 70.5%, and a good sustained-release performance. The obtained bifenthrin microcapsules in this study provide a technical means for safe and efficient termite control.
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