Khin Nyein CHAN,尹艳琼,李向永,刘莹,赵雪晴,谌爱东,2021,缅甸稻飞虱的发生和防控情况(英文)[J].环境昆虫学报,43(6):1417-1426
Occurrence situation and control of rice planthoppers in Myanmar
中文关键词:  稻飞虱  暴发  种群变化  防控策略  IPM
英文关键词:Rice planthopper  outbreak  population fluctuation  control strategy  IPM
Khin Nyein CHAN,尹艳琼,李向永,刘莹,赵雪晴,谌爱东 1. 缅甸教育部生物技术研究系皎施 05151 2. 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所昆明 6502053. 云南省农业跨境有害生物绿色防控重点实验室昆明 650205 
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      Rice planthoppers are widely distributed pests in some rice growing areas of Myanmar. The yield reduction due to rice planthoppers became serious according to the degree of infestation. Outbreaks have coincided with the misuse of insecticides, the intensive uses of nitrogenous fertilizers and the extension of irrigation. Weather condition is also influenced on population fluctuation of rice planthopper. Recently, some provinces in middle regions of Myanmar were heavily infested with rice planthoppers and it was somehow correlated with the level of nitrogen fertilizer applied. During the rainy season, rice planthopper population was increased in rice paddy fields and the highest population was observed in July and August. For early warming and monitoring of the immigrated insect pests, light traps were used. As control strategy, pests, drought and stress tolerance resistant rice varieties were mainly cultivated in Myanmar. In order to get healthy, safe, and resilient rice ecosystem, Integrated Pest Management System (IPM) was also applied in some research farms in Myanmar.
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